12. would we part away?

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since the story is going on a very very soft pace I'm just going up with some angst.
so yeah have a good grip at your seats and let's go 😼😼


"Nene please make sure that he does not check any of his social media."

an anxious sounding Shin-chan told through the phone. Nene had been confused at first but when she actually checked what was trending in social media she immediately understood what he meant.

"ok shinchan I'll try to do my best to hide everything from him!" Nene was clearly tensed too.

she abruptly cut the call from her friend and went towards the corridor where kazama's cabin was and bumped on to him while she was opening the door.

"oh my god Nene! you scared me!"
kazama spoke as he jokingly clutched his heart.

judging from kazama's reaction and mood Nene realised that he hadn't checked any of the social media sites until now.

"uh... Kazama can I have your phone for a while?" she asked, hopefully to get it immediately.

"yeah sure but why?" came kazama's counter attack.

Nene had been fiddling with her fingers not knowing what to do and what to answer for the question.

"uhhh... just cause I forgot my phone in my room and I need to call someone immediately." she laughed awkwardly.

"you sound weird" Kazama sad as he fished his phone out of his pocket and handed it over to nene.

she mumbled a soft thank you and ran down the corridor watched her with a confused face.

he sighed and went back to his cabin holding the paper work he had collected from his assistant while ago and turned on his laptop to cross check.

he had been waiting to receive a call or text from Shin-chan since the latter had left for few days without telling anything much other than "my company had called me for a short meeting."

now with his phone gone, Kazama was becoming a lot more impatient. what if Shinchan calls when nene was still using his phone?

Kazama shook his head on his thoughts and went back to whatever he was doing in the laptop. the daily news feed her welcome to him and his eyes widened at the sight.

all the colors in his face drain away as he felt his heart hammering against his chest rising the frequency all along. he realise that small tears had been forming at the corner of his eyes and he breathed heavily.

S H I N C H A N' S A G E N C Y

"is this you in these pictures, shinnosuke?"

Shinchan and his manager stood infront of the agency's CEO, Mr. Hiko Kiyoshi. Hiko had a serious face on while showing some photos on the projector screen of his room.

shinchan felt blood in his mouth. he hesitated before answering, "yes sir."

shinchan hadn't expected that this was the reason why he was called for a small meeting with the CEO. Shin-chan was too focused in spending and reviving the relationship with his boyfriend, family and friends that he had left out in checking the social media and what's trending at the moment.


e had realised that some obsessive fan of him had followed him and Kazama on their dates and also took their pictures and published it online including the one where they shared a kiss at the rooftop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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