Chapter One

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" I need to be at the Agency early today. I should really stop reading so late online if I know I'm going to wake up early the next day"

Yuko Tsukishima, 25 years old, is currently running late to go to her work. She gets out of bed and quickly goes to charger her phone while she gets ready.

She opens her closet to look for some black tights.

I'm pretty sure I washed them, if not, I bought an extra for this exact reason.

Once she found her tights, she reached in her shelves to get some black pleaded shorts and white lace shirt. She quickly dressed up, trying not to trip, while finding her platform shoes. Once she found her shoes she holds them in one hand and uses the other to hold her tooth brush. In that moment her cell phone rings.

Really? Who is calling me this early, it's only 8am

Yuko answered the call and put it on speaker while finishing up brushing her teeth.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Did you seriously answer without looking at your phone?"

"Well good morning to you Mr. Never Sleeps"

"As much as I would like to talk more with you, I need to keep this call shor-"

"I call bullshit on that, you're married to your work ever since we were young"

"That same work helped you get where you are today-"

As the caller kept ranting, Yuko finished up and walked to her dresser to apply some perfume and light mascara. Knowing the person is gonna continue their rant again, she decided to end it sooner.

"If you're gonna repeat the same talk why call me?"

"I just want to confirm our lunch plans"

"Oh, can we move it to dinner? We're getting a new member today, so lord knows how the initiation will go down"

"I can move some things around, but I'll be out of work late. Got a place?"

"I refuse to eat dinner at 10 pm. I'll bring you dinner, but I'm feeling for a drink"

"sigh, well I refuse to carry you again like -"

"Fine fine fine, I make dinner at my place and you come bearing dessert. How does that sound?"

"Good, I'll see you later tonight. I'll let you know if I get out sooner. Goodbye."

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