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"Hi! I'm Daniel...I transferred here yesterday..uhm..may I know your name please"

Daniel desperately tried to ignore the way his body heated up at the look the boy gave him.

"(Name), You can sit if you want, I'm staying here all lunch"

Daniel nodded joyfully and sat across the boy, he analysed the difference in rooms to his class and (Name)'s.

"Its kinda dim in here...and the desks are larger and connected...wow"

"Oh right...your new I forgot...yeah its more dim just because our class likes it this way, more comfty"

The raven-haired boy shifted softly in his seat, watching how the other typed away on his laptop. He seemed so uncaring, but he's actually talking to him....with that pretty voice..he looks so good in his uniform. He cursed himself as he felt his pants tighten, suddenly glad the desks were more table like...He pressed a palm over his bulge, feeling heat spread around him.

"Yeah..it is..why..do you spend lunch here?"

(Name) heard the slight difference in the boys voice, it became softer..more sultry even, he sighed and scolded himself for drifting away from his work and glues his eyes on the screen.

"People are too loud, I just like to finish my work quickly to be honest"

"Oh..really?..well I did hear you're a hard worker"

Daniels palm moved more erratically on his erection, feeling the tingle of pleasure knowing that (Name) could catch him was....alluring, it felt really good.

"I actually really like the topic we're doing in my department...do you mind if I ramble for a bit Daniel"

He flushed softly at (Name)'s excited glint in his focused eyes

"I would...love to listen"

Daniel thanked the god that made this room so dim as his hips jittered gently against his palm, listening to the soft rambles of computer work he would never understand. His voice was so soft and gentle, Daniel couldn't help himself, feeling a deep pressure build in him as he became more handsy with his clothed cock. With a heavy breath, he smiled lustfully at (Name) who kept his eyes on his laptop while speaking.

Was he really going to cum in front of this boy...this...alluring boy who had no clue. Daniel rested his head on the desk, muttering a "I'm still listening don't worry" to the boy as he quickened his pace.

I wanna cum

He whined softly to himself,

Don't stop talking

His thighs trembled as a low whimper came from him,

"Huh...Daniel you ok?"

He raised his head from the desk and looked up with bliss-filled eyes, a blush present on his face

"I wanna...cum"

He muttered softly to (Name).

He muttered softly to (Name)

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