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"What do you wanna be for halloween?"

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"What do you wanna be for halloween?"



(Name) stared blankly at the studio in front of him, it was unnecessarily "preppy" but what was more interesting was the woman beside him guiding him around. Crystal seemed unbothered by the sex toys and cameras in the studio and instead went on to try and get to know the pornstar.

It was strange..(Name) liked it, he answered happily to her and it seemed to bring them closer.

The run-down was simple: (Name) would do all sorts of shenanigans in front of a camera and get paid double of what he used to as long as he gets Crystal's little "porn site" to top charts.



"uh excuse me why that actual fuck are you in my studio?"

(Name) isn't even surprised to see some random, man looming over him wearing only boxers. His hair was blonde, it reminded (Name) of Jay....and the ache that the man gave to (Name's) poor back after slamming hard enough into his prostate to break it. However, this man had harsh yellow tufts of hair, a scent of richness washed over his chiseled body and despite the goofy little voice he utilised to talk to (Name)...the bulge that pressed against the fabric of that Gucci underwear was enough to tell (Name) exactly why he's here.

"Come on! strip and then we can do introductions"

Goo grinned brightly, he had zero idea why Gun hadn't jumped at the chance to bury his dick into this little pornstar but he'll gladly take the oni's place. His cock was throbbing and his impatience peaked as his fingers peeled off the boxers and watched as the crying tip of his dick slapped against his stomach. The length was unnatural, Goo was well aware of it, it curved up slightly just perfect to hit the right spots and veins adorned from his v-line down to his shaft.

(Name) could feel the life drain from his body, there was no way in hell he'd be able to take that. This was his job though, so his hands started stripping at the thought of the amount of money he'll gain.

"taking your time hm?"

Goo muttered under his breath, pressing his palms on the man's shoulders and watching him scramble to his knees. His tip slathering precum over (Name's) puffy lips, Goo's gaze was stuck on how the other's eyes seemed to glaze over in a haze of lust. 


(okayy introduction is over, now the real story starts heheehehHAAHA) 

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(okayy introduction is over, now the real story starts heheehehHAAHA) 

Now, I don't like to bother ya'll when your reading porn...BUT

I feel like I should add some disclaimers now because the story will go further then just sex because I am planning to add more kinks to this. And some of them will be.....very...uh..."bad" to say the least

SO if you are disgusted by some of that stuff, it's totally fine because I will be adding more disclaimers at the beginning of chapters (so you dont have to suffer :>)

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