Chapter 17

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Rick and Luna were surprised and shocked about Yaori "Y-Yoari? Is that you" Luna asked "Ow" Seven woke up rubbing his head and looked at the scene "Mom,Dad I can explain" Seven said "Сынок, ты привел своего брата домой?! Но как ты это сделал и что-то изменилось с твоим братом?" (Son you brought your brother home?! But how did you do that and did something changed with your brother?) Rick asked "No but somewhat he got here and changed gender" Seven said "О боже, я даже не знаю, как это получается в России, потому что там война, и я не хочу в нее вмешиваться" (Oh jeez I don't even know how that turns out at Russia because there is a war and I don't wanna get involved) Rick sighed. "Ну, я пришел сюда потому, что мой друг Цу ранен, и он ранен. Его мечтой было оказаться здесь и успеть избежать войны, а также завести новых друзей. Я обещал ему увидеть это в его глазах, но с тех пор, как моего отчима арестовали, я всегда хотел увидеть свою настоящую семью" (Well the reason why I came here is because my friend Tsu is hurt and he's injured. It was his dream to be here and have time to avoid the war also make new friends. I promised him to see it in his eyes but ever since my stepfather was arrested I always wanted to see my real family) Yaori sobbed and she wiped her tears to try not to cry so anyone thinks she's lying. "Stepfather?" Seven was confused along with Luna and Rick "Да, он просто хотел иметь семью, хоть раз в жизни американский полицейский забрал его, я думаю, он должен где-нибудь" (Yeah be just wanted to have a family for once in his life an American policeman took him away I think he must anywhere) Yaori replied "Well your parents said you were kidnapped" X said "Я знаю, но он заботился обо мне, когда я был ребенком" (I know but he took care of me when I was a child) Yaori sighed

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