Chapter 51

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The next morning they ate breakfast and Rick went back to his first day back at his old job and Seven went Yaori ever since he has doesn't know anyone at Russia he has to be with Yaori and Tsu more often. He was getting to know Kratcy and Yoshka some more and he guessed that he should trust them they went in the park Yaori was wearing her hoodie "So,Yaori aren't you hot? Because it's a warm weather in here" Seven said "Все в порядке, я имею дело с такими вещами. все будет хорошо" (It's okay,I deal with things like this. I'll be fine) Yaori sighed "Are you sure? Because the sun's up a bit windy but still" he sighed "Не волнуйтесь, это просто легкий ветерок. Я справлялся с такой ситуацией раньше" (Don't worry it's just a bit of a breeze. I handle a situation like this before) she replied Seven took her hoodie "Привет! Верни мне мою толстовку Семь" (Hey! Give me back my hoodie Seven) Yaori screamed "I'm sorry Yaori but you don't really need this hoodie put I'll still put on you" Seven put Yaori's hood around her shoulders "There we go What do you think" Seven asked "Хорошо, я думаю. Я действительно не знаю, найдет ли это кого-то очень приятным" (Okay I guess. I don't really know if anyone would find this very pleasing) she sighed. A few algebraliens were whistling at Yaori which got Seven upset "Привет, милая леди, тебя зацепил этот странный номер? Не волнуйся, дорогая, если он твой брат, тогда, наверное, для меня найдется больше сахара~" (Hello sweet lady,are you taken by that weird number? Don't worry honey if he's your brother then I guess maybe there's more sugar for me~) one of them flirted with Yaori making her feel uncomfortable and awkward Seven was so ticked off that he started to attack them "WHAT DID YOU SAY?! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT FLIRTING TO MY SISTER EVER AGAIN" Seven yelled "Значит ли это, что я получу немного сахара от твоей сестры~" (Does this mean I get a little sugar from your sister~) one of the algebraliens asked Seven punched him hard that he bleed through "Хорошо, возьми деньги, я просто хочу, черт возьми, убраться отсюда" (Okay take the money I just wanna the hell get out of here) another algebralien whimpered and ran along others came along "Yeah and never come back" Seven yelled Yaori backed away "Don't worry Yaori they won't tell anyone but we won't say anyone about this, okay?" Seven asked she nodded "Я думаю, все в порядке, но я не хочу снова видеть что-то подобное" (I guess that's alright but I don't wanna see something like that again) she sighed "Yeah I guess lost control of myself,I mean that was crazy" he replied "Да, я думаю, это было немного напряженно и очень страшно. Я действительно не хочу, чтобы эта мысль застряла у меня в голове! Я не знаю, хотел бы я этого" (Yeah I guess that was a bit intense and very terrifying. I don't really want that thought stuck inside my head! I dunno if I would to that) she hugged her brother and went home but Seven had to rinse the blood from his hands so nobody would notice anything suspicious. They went home and everyone ate dinner and Seven got a call from his girlfriend "Bebe! I missed you so much because I don't wanna lose you in Russia! I feel so lonely without you" Seven in a half cried "Don't worry baby I promise you can visit us sometime maybe I'll visit you and be with you babydoll" Seven replied "Okay sweetheart I love you so very much" she smiled "It's okay sweetie I hope you come if not then I'll be coming out for ya" Seven chuckled. Yaori was minding her business in her room she heard cooing from the hallway from the room "Бэйли? Что ты здесь делаешь? Мама и папа будут волноваться за тебя! Они могут сильно волноваться, если не знают, где вы находитесь" (Baylee? What are you doing here? Mom and Dad would be worried about you! They might be worried sick if they don't know where you are) Yaori whispered but Baylee crawled up to Yaori,she was confused and she picked up Baylee and put her pick in the crib without dropping her and tried to go back to her room until Baylee was spitting up into saying something anything Yaori didn't know if was English or Russian but finally "Й-Й-Я-Ярой" (Y-Y-Ya-Yaroi) Baylee's first word was in Russian and it said Yaori's name which made her surprised so she picked up Baylee and showed her parents "Мама! Папа! Вы не поверите, что Бэйли сказала свое первое слово, и это был русский язык" (Mom! Dad! You wouldn't believe this Baylee said her first word and it was Russian language) Yaori said Rick and Luna grew interested "Давай, Бэйли, скажи еще слово, хочешь сказать мама или папа?" (Go ahead Baylee,Say another word wanna say mama or papa?) Yaori asked "Дада! Мама!" (Dada! Mama!) Baylee giggled. Luna and Rick were surprised and excited "My baby girl saying her own Russian words! Where's Seven we should show him" Luna smiled Yaori didn't know she went to Seven's room and Seven was sleeping she came by his side "Семь, проснись, Бэйли сказала свои первые слова" (Seven,Wake up, Baylee said her first words) she shook him trying to get him up but he was out like a light Baylee crawled on Seven's bed and tapped Seven's cheek "Севей" (Sevey) the baby kept tapping on her big brother's face "Huh? Hey c-cut it out" Seven yawned he woke up Yaori tried to tell him the big news about Baylee "Yaori are you sure about that because I'm just a bit tired" he sighed "Семь, я уверен, она сказала много слов! Я показал это нашим родителям, но бабушка ушла в магазин" (Seven,I'm sure she said a lot of words! I showed our parents that but Grandma is out to the shop) Yaori plead "Fine,I guess hearing one word wouldn't hurt" Seven sighed he picked up Baylee and put her on his lap. Baylee was going to say something "С-Се-Сев-Севен" (S-Se-Sev-Seven) Baylee said Seven was inspired and surprised "She speaks Russian like you and dad" Seven replied "Да, я думал, она будет говорить на твоем языке, как ты, мама и бабушка. Было бы неплохо, но я думаю, может быть, лучше так, как есть" (Yes,I thought she would speak your language like you,mom and grandma. It would be nice but I guess maybe it's better off as it is) Yaori sighed "Nah,having numbers that talk English in our family is enough! Baylee having to speak Russian is kinda nice" he smiled "Ну, если ты настаиваешь, думаю, я тоже могу с тобой согласиться, потому что к этому привыкаешь" (Well if you insist,I guess I can agree with you as well because this'll get used to) she replied hugging Seven. Luna and Rick were watching their kids seeming to get along Tina showed up with gifts "Hey,What did I miss?" Tina asked "Something wonderful mother,Something wonderful" Luna replied

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