Chapter 36

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Yaori got out bed ate breakfast and spent time at the playground with Tsu. Tsu was looking at Blazzip and started to blush "Ты в порядке, Тсу? Почему у тебя все щеки покраснели? Вы влюблены в кого-то? Цу, я могу сказать, что ты влюблен в кого-то, я вижу это лицо у любого, кого я знаю. Йошка делал такое лицо, когда был рядом с Кратци" (Are you okay,Tsu? Why is your cheeks all rose red? Are you in love with somebody? Tsu I can tell you have a crush on somebody I can see that face on anyone that I know. Yoshka made that face when he was around Kratcy) Yaori said Tsu's face was all red and covered his face with hands without showing Yaori "Яори, перестань меня смущать! у меня просто аллергия на лицо" (Yaori,Stop your embarrassing me! I'm just  having allergies with my face) Tsu whimpered "Ничего страшного, Тсу, не надо стесняться любви!" (It's okay Tsu you don't have to be embarrassed with love!) Yaori chuckled later she came back home ate dinner,Wrote about day 10 and took a nap. Seven was at his room thinking of things about his childhood but he didn't really know what to say about Yaori's,he came in Yaori's room but saw her sleeping and Seven was a little worried. He hugged Yaori "Yaori why are you sleeping why are you dreaming these weird things I don't know what to do" Seven sighed he sat by her side and saw pages 9 and 10. He didn't really know why they were found out like that she was trying to stay awake but Day 10 was about dreaming about a algebralien that is haunting her and she had to dream about it be saving it's spirit to be free. He ran to the playground "GUYS WE NEED TO GO TO THE RUSSIAN CLIFF RIGHT NOW" Seven shouted,Four and X were confused "What do mean going to Russia? There's a war will die" Four said "LISTEN MY SISTER IS DREAMING OF A GHOST ALGEBRALIEN WHO DIED FROM BRAIN DAMAGE FROM FALLING OFF OF A CLIFF AND WE NEED TO FIND IT RIGHT NOW" Seven yelled Four and X had no choice they had told Seven that they've find it later but for now they'll just find out the clues.

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