A Talking To

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Natalie and Kat talk while Y/N plays with his toys at his mom's feet until they are needed on set. Kat leaves first while Natalie kneels down beside her son.

"Y/N, sweetie."

He looks away from his toys to his mom.

"I need you to say in here okay? The windows are open and mommy or Kat will check on you every half an hour okay?"

"Okay mommy."

"Good boy."

She kisses his head before leaving the trailer after placing a baby monitor with a camera on a high shelf keeping an eye on Y/N using her phone.

After a few minutes, she looks at her phone and sees Y/N looking through her bag. She chuckles watching him pull out a Capri sun and cookies.


Y/N spends most of the day in the trailer, not really noticing the time past as his mom and Kat check on him. Natalie made him lunch and sat with him before leaving again. 

Now it is time to head home. Natalie walks into her trailer and into the bathroom to change as Y/N rubs his eyes tiredly.

"Tired baby?"

She kisses his head before picking up his toys as he lays on the couch. He nods tiredly and closes his eyes.

"Let's get you home baby."

She picks him up letting him rest his head on her shoulder as she carries him out to the car. She straps him into the car letting him sleep. 

When she gets home, she unstraps his seatbelt and carries him inside. Ben looks over as the front door opens seeing his wife and son.

"How was it?"

"I'll tell you when I come down. He's really tired."

She carries him upstairs before shaking him awake.

"Come on you have to get changed into your pjs."

He smiles before changing into his Yoshi pjs and climbing into bed. She tucks him in giving him a kiss goodnight as he falls asleep instantly.

She heads back downstairs to her husband, happily taking the tea he offers her. They share a kiss and she leans into him.

"He was good. Kat knows now."

"How'd that happen?"

"She came to see me while I was changing. She's not going to tell anyone though."

"That's good. Did you have a good day at work?"

"Yeah, he was so funny when he found the Capri sun and cookies in my bag that I brought for him."

"That boy sure does love his Capri sun and cookies."

"Unlike his daddy who loves boobs."

Ben's eyes widen as Natalie gives him a look.

"W-what do you mean honey?"

"What do I mean?"

She hits him repeatedly with a cushion.

"Talking about my boobs in front of our three year old son is what I mean."

Ben catches the cushion.

"How do you know about that?"

"You have a three year old. Kids don't have filters. He told Kat she has big boobs then said you always say I have big boobs."

Ben chuckles only earning himself a smack.

"It's not funny! It was so embarrassing."

He pulls her into him before kissing her head and rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry, I'll watch what I say in front of him in the future."

"Thank you."

After an hour of watching shows, Natalie heads up to bed to read her book. As she's reading, she hears the sound of rushed pitter patters coming towards their room. Y/N runs in with a smile climbing onto the bed making her chuckle as he snuggles into her. 

"I thought I put you to bed."

"You did but I left Toad here and I didn't get to give mommy a kiss goodnight."

She chuckles handing him his Toad teddy that he left in there the night before. He kisses her cheek with a smile.

"Come on. Let's get you back to bed."

She follows the three year old who drags her arm with him to his room before he climbs into the bed. She tucks him in giving him a kiss on the head and he gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight mommy."

He rolls over to go to sleep making her smile at how cute he is before leaving the room and heading to bed herself. 

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