Chapter 20: Bankotsu The Leader Of The Band of Seven

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Inuyasha POV

We stood at the base of the sacred mountain. I had to admit the barrier was taking it's toll on all of us demons. Shippo and Kirara could hardly stand it. How had Naraku done it? I had the strongest feeling he was hiding behind it. That snake.

Taking Chidori yet again.

"Inuyasha. I sense the sacred jewel shards." Kagome alerted. Found you

Chidori POV

We began advancing to the castle. Bankotsu wanted his companion back, whatever that was, but they intended to kill everyone while doing so. I felt so helpless so trapped. I sat behind the machine watching the trees that were left behind us as we traveled the path leading to the castle.

"Brings back so many memories." Bankotsu sighed from the front.

"Makes me sick." Jakotsu growled.

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine men. It's time to even things up. Alright get ready men. Don't fail!" Bankotsu yelled.

"You know I'd never lose in a real fight." Jakotsu countered.

"We'll see." Bankotsu said his voice fading. I pulled myself up with the chains that bound me. I looked over the tank of a man and watched as Bankotsu ran ahead with his snake like braid swirling behind him. I could see the gates of the castle in the distance.

"If you don't enjoy killing woman I suggest you sheild your eyes." Jakotsu snickered devilishly. I narrowed my eyes. There was no sense of mercy to this band of men. Innocent lives didn't matter.

We came upon the castle and the men began to reek havoc on the guards and servants. All I could do was watch in horror as the men and women of the castle beg and plead for their lives. But begging was futile, they were killed anyway mercilously. My eyes widened and tears gently fell for the innocent people. What was more horrifying was that the one called Renkotsu used fire to tortue people. Fire is my gift. I thought looking down at the red orb in my chest.

"Please! Kill me! Not my son!"

I looked over to where Jakotsu was. A servant woman was begging that the life of her son be spared. Jakotsu only sighed annoyed. No! I felt something with in me ignite as I began to lose myself.

Jakotsu POV

I hated killing kids. And the woman begging for her life just wasn't doing it for me.

"Let's just get this over with." I sighed rolling my eyes as I began to swing Jakotsuto. I was surprised that the end of my sword was deflected by something. I snatched my sword back. Hm. The blade was steaming. What? I looked in the direction from which uthe blast came.


I jumped back as the Tenshi threw a ball of fire at me. I flipped backwards until I was upright again.

She had gained her abilities back including her wings. She had an angry expression on her face as she flew up still chained to the back of Ginkotsu. Her eyes glowed with power and her wings beat against the air.

"What's going on?" Renkotsu said appearing beside me just as surprised as I was. Now that's strange, the shackles are supposed to nuetralize her powers. At the moment I was about to take her out, her eyes turned regular and she fell to the ground, fainting it seemed like. I turned my attention back to the woman and kid. Hm. They escaped. I shook my head before Renkotsu and I ran to Ginkotsu.

"It must have took all her strength to go against the shackles." Renkotsu said annoyed. We made our way behind Ginkotsu. She layed lifeless behind him with her hands jerked up by the chains and her wings gone once again.

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