💔Nyck De Vries - Under Pressure

720 4 2

1000 Words

Request for: Alex432


Nyck was really struggling. Coming off the back of a Formula E championship and pionts on his debut, he was confident going into F1 and yet here he was, ultimatum in hand and stress in mind. Slumped in his driver's room, head in his hands, tears welling in his eyes. He'd crshed once again, this time into his own teammate. Unsurprisingly, the team wasn't happy with this, so much so, that Christian Horner himself had come to tell him off for it and hand him this letter. The letter held in his hands clearly stated that if he didn't score points in the next three races, the seat would be stripped from him and he would be left without a series, in the middle of the season. 

He couldn't let this happen. He'd worked so hard to be a driver. To be a F1 driver no less and yet this is the rewards he reaped. Nyck had no clue what else he could do. He'd lost extra weight, trained more and eaten less. He'd put in hours at the simulator and yet he still hadn't brought home the results. Wallowing in his sorrow, he lied down on the couch and curled into a ball.

Just seconds later, he hears a knock on his door. "Nycky?" you gently say through the door. Knowing you'd come in anyway, he stays on the couch, not bothering to open the door for you. Slowly, you push it open, giving him plenty of time to object. Your eyes fall onto his sorry figure and your heart breaks for him. "Oh, my darling boy." you murmur to no one in particular. Sitting at the other end of the couch and resting a hand on his bent leg. "Do you need a hug?" Without a verbal response, he slowly moves so the he can fall into you embrace. Wrapping your arms around him tightly, you rest your head on top of his and whisper words of comfort to his zoned out ears. 

After a few minutes of sitting with little noise other than sniffles and sobs falling from Nyck, you query, "Do you want to talk about it?" You earn a response "I don't know what to do" accompanied by a body wracking sob. Any strength or resolve that he held in his body fell away and you held a shell of a man in your hands. Since meeting Nyck, not once had you seen him this hopeless and empty. There wasn't an ounce of resolve in his body. He'd given up. You pull him even closer although he doesn't move far considering you are already so close together. Not really know what he should do yourself, you give the best advice you can and state, "You take every hour, every day and every race at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself. Don't forget you still have the seat and you still have the potential to keep it." Seeming to take the advice on board, he regains some composure and sits up, leaning heavily against the back of the couch. 

Spurred on by your pep talk he finds some sort of determination, deep within and stands up. He still seems weak and tired but he's trying and that in itself is a huge step. "Ok what do we need to do this hour then." Shocked by the effect of your very simple recommendations, you smile, "Well there is a meeting going on that you aren't needed in but it might be helpful to be in there. They are talking about some changes to the brake system, since it seems to be catching you off guard so much." He smiles at you. "You are an absolute champion, baby." Before kissing you on the cheek and running into the meeting room.

~Time skip brought to you by a lazy ass author who has 4 tests next week and is disintegrating~

Not quite sure what to do now that you are left alone in his driver's room with no instructions on where to go next, you decide to clean up the carnage left from what was obviously a rough post race meltdown. Hoping to make the evening a little more simple for your boyfriend, you being picking up the clothes and spare visors that are scattered on the floor, you leave a little note on the newly organised room. It reads, "Headed back to the hotel. See you once you finish debriefing xoxo"

You pick up your bag and see Nyck in the meeting, taking notes and concentrating hard, not wanting to disrupt, you slip out the door and return to the hotel room. You get out Nyck's meal prep and warm it up waiting for him to come back. He must have been hot on your heels, because within 15 minutes he is back. "Ok, what next." You look at him in shock. This person was hardly the person you just found sobbing in a driver's room. He was still looking exhausted but he had a hope in his eye that you hadn't seen since before the first race. "Well now Mr Debris, you eat and sleep because in the morning you'll go and see your trainer and make a plan to get you back on track." He seems hesitant, as though every second not spent on F1 is a second wasted. You sense his apprehension and rest your hands on his sides and look into his eyes. "It's good to be determined and enthusiastic but you need to sleep and rest. Balance is important, baby." He obeys and sits down to eat his meal with you, TV playing in the background, getting very little actual viewing, it's audience to focussed on each other's eyes.

Giving in to your persuasion aka. bribery with cuddles, he gets ready for bed and crawls in. "Thank you for being there for me today. I'm sorry you had to put up with me being a sook." You squeeze him and whisper. "It's my pleasure sweetheart, and don't be mean to yourself, that's my job."



This is legit exactly 1000 words, I'm so happy. We passed 2k reads! Thank you guys so much for your support, it means so much to me. I have a really busy time over the next little bit so I'll try to update but we'll have to see. Anyway, tsym for the request. I'd love to know what you guys want to read so leave any requests either in dms or comments.

Look after yourselves, stay hydrated, I love you sm :)

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