☁️Ollie Bearman - Playmate

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Words 1010

Request from: 


After a long season of racing, you and your boyfriend, Ollie had returned to your family's house for christmas. You two weren't the only ones who were excited to be home, you little sister who had just turned four was very keen to have a new playmate. 

The second you walk in to the house, you sister was at the door. Hugs were exchanged from your parents to both you and the newly initiated member of the family, Ollie, before your sister decide to join in on the fun, gipping onto both of your legs. You pick her up and rest her on your hip, "Hey sweetie! I missed you so much" You say pressing a kiss to her temple. Practically ignoring your greeting, she turns to Ollie and makes grabby hands. "Ollie!" She shouts. Deciding to jump onto Ollie's hip instead. "Hello, Little Miss" He says after pulling her safely into his side. "How much trouble have you made recently?" he teases. She pouts, offended by Ollie's lack of belief in her ability to not annoy her parents (Which was, in fact, a valid concern).

The family moves away from the door, opting to sit in the living room and catch up. Ollie had moved you sister onto his lap and was bouncing his leg to stop her from getting restless. After a while, your sister was fed up of this boring adult talk and turned to Ollie, "Owie, can you pway wiv me?" Unable to deny such an adorable request, he patted your knee to let you know that he was going, and stood up with your sister in his arms.

As they walked towards the playroom, your sister grew more and more excited. Her parents were busy and for her to have someone that she could play with was a big opportunity, and one that she would most definitely exploit. Sitting down on the floor, she wiggled her way out of his arms and ran off to get her favourite new toys, they were model cars, some small lego replicas, some small 3D puzzles and some small replicas of almost every era of F1 car. "Can vou 'elp me put togever a model?" She asked, still in shock at the range of toys, Ollie just nodded. "Yay!" She shouted, so loud that you could hear it from the living room. She sprints of and grabs an unopened box with a lego style car in it. Bringing it back to Ollie, his heart swells as he realises, it's a replica of his F2 car. As much as he wants to believe he is only there to entertain your sister, he is very impressed by the toys and has a bit of interest in them, regardless of his little companion. 

Starting to miss your boyfriend, you go off to find him, knowing from the earlier squeal of excitement from your sister, that he was most likely in the playroom. You walk in and see your boyfriend next to your sister, intensely focussed on making the model car. You smile, knowing that he was definitely enjoying this. You sit with them as the car gets finished and your little sister manages to regurgitate more Formula 1 history than Seb Vettel ever could. The seminar is interrupted by a call from your parents that dinner is served. Picking up your sister you march out of the room, Ollie in tow.

Once dinner is finished, the events of the day have caught up to Ollie who is now rather sleepy. He sits on the big chair in the lounge room, resting his head in this hand and begins to nod off, before being harshly ripped from his sleep by your sister jumping onto his lap and asking for another play session. Without the heart to decline, Ollie gets up and slowly follows her to the room, letting her run ahead, little interest in keeping pace. He was hoping to see some more racing stuff instead greeted by a tea party, without so much as real food, just wood and plastic. 

Not wanting to disappoint, he feigned interest and played along. His tiredness didn't go away and when your sister was a bit too slow to return from a trip to the 'kitchen' he leant his head against the tiny table and let his body have the rest it needed. Before your sister could return and realise that Ollie was no longer in the human dimension, let alone a princess fairy tea party dimension, you walked in. Looking at your unconscious boyfriend, you pressed a kiss to his temple in hopes of waking him up. Helping him to stand up, you ask, "Do you think sleeping in a bed might be slightly more comfortable than a plastic table?" not having the energy to tease back he just smiles and nods. When your sister does finally return, she is very disappointed that her guest had left, storming up to you, she asks "Where do vou think you're taking da pwince?" a scathing tone to her voice. "I'm taking him to bed because it's past bedtime for both of you." you answer back. Seeing the rejection in her eyes, you add, "But, if you ask nicely the prince might let you snuggle up with him and his princess in bed." (YOU'D BETTER GET YOUR MIND OUTTA THE GUTTER OR SO HELP ME GOD). Taken by such on offer, she follows you to your room and climbs into the middle of you two, shuffling under the covers.



Sorry that I've been so inactive. I had writer's block and legit no time but hopefully it will be a bit less intense schedule wise for a few weeks (fingers crossed). Anyway tysm for the request :)

I have 17 drafts which will hopefully get finished before the turn of the century so keep your eye out for them. Also I've seen your votes and comments and they absolutly make my day, I hope you all know how much you mean to me.

Look after yourselves, stay hydrated, I love you sm :)

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