☁️Ralf Aron - Trophy Wife

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Inspired by LAP Monza Part 2 (This was written before Paul was dropped from the dev program)

For yourmom__3435

1200 Words


After leaving your pursuit of a formula one seat, you had taken a job in the admin for Mercedes AMG and now after many years of hard work, you were finally the team principal. This meant you had to spend a lot of time away from the people you wanted to be with, so when it was suggested that you watch some of your junior driver academy members race, you were very excited because it meant you could finally see your brother-in-law race.

As soon as you walk into the paddock, you went straight to the Prema tent where you could see Paul warming up with his trainer. Ralf went to him first, giving him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. You followed closely behind and gave him another big hug. 

Not wanting to distract or interrupt, you kept walking into the tent before you were met by Rene and some of the mechanics who welcome both you and Ralf in. They ask him about his recent racing and what he's been up to but mostly about you.

"And what did you do to keep this one around?" Asks Rene hinting at you while he gives Ralf a playful shove. "I don't know to be honest" Comes the response as he pulls you into his side, smiling and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. The team all laughing at Ralf being absolutely whipped for you. 

Rene is loving it, "I remember the heart eyes when you two were racing together. It was so funny seeing how your attitudes toward each other changed the second the helmet went on." You remember that too, you and Ralf never went easy on each other on track and goodness was it fun. The teasing afterwards was also very funny, both Rene and Angelina finding it good post race entertainment, as long as it wasn't in the debriefs.

You missed racing, sure you and Ralf were still involved in the sport but to be back on track with him would be really special, but really unrealistic. Neither of you had any way of making that happen and you just had to accept that.

You hung around for a bit longer until you had to sit down and get some work done before the F1 race kicked off. You were sitting next to Ralf in the back of the garage while you went through some new emails. You see an email about hot laps. Curiously, you open the message and start reading.

You tense up instantly, catching Ralf's attention. "Are you okay?" You show him the email and massive grins spread across both your faces. You stand up from your chair, putting your laptop next to you and falling into his arms.

You had been invited to race with Ralf in a Merc challenge for a social media thing. You would drive him around, then swap so you were co-pilot and then have a showdown with him to set the fastest time.

Finally, you were going to be back on the track with Ralf.

That afternoon, you got a call saying to head to the back of the paddock to get ready.

You were handed a racing suit and one given to Ralf too. You were almost shaking with excitement. "Please stop shaking or you'll crash before I even get to drive." Ralf comments.

Walking out to the car, you are both beaming. You sit in the driver's seat and adjust the seating position, check the gearstick and your mirrors. "We're on a track. You don't need mirrors, kallis (Darling)." You give him a scrunched mocking face and buckle in. 

"I'll make you pay for that Aron." He laughs at the threat and instantly grips the roof handles when you take off, the g-force catching him off guard. "Geez, relax!" His face etchs horror and his body flings around as you speed through the corners. You can barely keep your head up, you are laughing so hard.

Pulling out of the last corner you floor the pedal and then as soon as you cross the line, stamp on the brake, drawing a guttural sound from Ralf. You both laugh mostly at Ralf's incapability to survive in the passenger seat.

"Alright get out, my turn now." He had one goal. Revenge.

You sit in the seat and buckle in, gripping the belt with both hands. "I love you?" You say with puppy dog eyes, hoping to instil some sympathy in him. "You might not for long." Ralf responds, fully intending to give you a taste of your own medicine. 

He puts on speed from the start, braking late and getting the gears up as high as he can. He whips through the corners while small screams come out of your mouth between laughs. When he finally gets to the finish straight, he goes full throttle full speed and instead of doing a sharp stop he swings the car into a few donuts. You squeal at the unexpected change of direction and reach one arm out to him.

"Ok I'm sorry, that was rough." He concedes. "I'm going to thrash you in this final race." And if there's one thing that can always be said of you, it's that you never break a promise.

A new car gets bought onto the track and you settle into one each. Lining the cars up at the start line, challenging the other.

The start goes and both cars are full speed off the bat. You are side by side going into the first corner but you break earlier to take a different line, throwing off Ralf. You go for the switchback which he was badly positioned for and draw out your lead while he tries to regain momentum. By turn 7 there is a large gap between you, Ralf missing his braking points while you close in on the finish line.

As he turns onto the finish straight he gains some distance on you but still can't make it across the line first.

You jump out of the car and go up to hug him. "Nice try." He smiles at you. An official comes over, shock evident on his face. "You just beat the record on this track. No one has ever done a lap like that here, even in faster cars."

You're stunned. After years without any proper racing you still had it, natural speed like no one else. Ralf was looking with pure admiration while keeping an arm over your shoulder. 

You decided to go and celebrate. As soon as you walked into the paddock Rene comes over, "What on earth was that! I can't believe no one wanted to sponsor you to keep racing."

You are flattered, "It is what it is." Comes the response, it's too late now but it still hurt to think how different your career could be.

It hurts but you love your life. Principal of your favourite team, in love with an amazing guy, still around the sport you love. You can't ask for much more than that.



Not sure how the holiday schedule will be but hopefully it will stay the same. Hope you guys are liking the retired driver content. Also thanks for 35k!

Look after yourselves, stay hydrated, I love you sm :)

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