The Beginning of the End

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The world we live on is always moving, faster and faster. Never to stop, never to slow down. It doesn't have the power to. It's just how it is. Nothing anyone could do would ever change it. Not even the largest asteroid in the galaxy could slow it down. Nothing ever did, ever have, or ever will. It will never slow down.These were all of the thoughts running through Phil Lester's mind as he lay on top of an old worn out mattress lying on the floor as he stared at the ceiling wall. Everything had happened so fast, so suddenly. And everything was still moving at such a rapid face. One moment, his life seemed perfect. Now, everything and everyone he knew and loved was gone. Ripped out of his life, faster than he could handle. How could he have let this happen?He thought to himself. How could he let his entire life crumble before him?It was all his fault. Phil rolled over onto his side. It's not your fault, there was nothing you could do. He began arguing with himself. A battle in his mind of who to blame for his life going to shit. It was a never ending battle, against himself. Phil took a deep breath to try and calm down, but No matter how hard he tried, Phil couldn't slow things down and give himself a moment to breath. His mind, body, and the world around kept moving, faster and faster. 

And for the past month, he's had to focus everything on his own survival. Even if he let down his guard down for just one moment, he would endanger his life. He had to focus everything on himself right now, because there was no one left for him to worry abou.

As Phil laid there, exhausted, he felt a slight sense of peace. Not a lot, but just enough to shut off his mind and maybe be able to finally fall asleep. But the feeling didn't last very long. The moment Phil shut his droopy eyes, he was back, reliving the worst day of his life. And it all started in that god awful car.

The bright rays of sun fell down onto the 2010 Toyota Camry.  This car in particular held three young men. One of them being Phil. The other two men were Pj and Chris. They were Phil's best friends, and they were all on their way to a very formal event, hence the reason why they all were wearing suits. Chris drove, Phil sat in the passenger's seat, and Pj was in the back. So far the only noises were those of the AC turned on high, and the shaking of Phil's fingers against his lap

"Nervous Phil?" Chris asked the clearly nervous man. Phil turned to him.

"What do you think?" Phil practically screamed. "My freakin wedding is today!! Of course I'm nervous!! What man isn't on his wedding day?! I mean what if I stutter my vows, or trip while walking down the aisle. Or even worse, what  if she leaves me?! What if, during the middle of the ceremony, she just walks out on me?! What if she doesn't love me." Phil's head sunk into his lap. Pj reached from the back seat to pat Phil's shoulder, in attempt to comfort him.

"Phil don't worry about all that stuff. Emily would never leave you. What you guys have is special." Saying seemed to make Phil feel a bit better. 

"What about the baby," Chris pitched in. "Emily's 7 months pregnant and she needs you to support her and the baby. You're gonna be a father, man. You gotta take care of them both." Phil nodded and looked out the window. Dad, he thought. The name sounded weird to him. He didn't think he could ever be a dad. Just this morning he killed his pet fish. How was he supposed to know that fish aren't supposed to be given tea to drink? But looking after another human being? That'd be way harder than caring for a goldfish. Again and again his friends told Phil otherwise, and again and again Phil didn't believe them. 

After a couple of minutes of silence, PJ began talking about a new subject. 

"So me and Chris have some pretty exciting news." 

"What?" Phil asked.

"We've been thinking about it for a long time now and we've decided that, well... we're moving in together." Chris reached behind him and rested his hand on Pj's leg. Phil smiled, happy that his friends were taking the next big step in their relationship. 

Pj continued, " Ya it's a great place. Two bedroom, one bath. It's a bit small, but it's great for a starter home." Chris smiled at him. "Oh yeah and the backyard is just amaz" Pj was cut off by a loud gunshot coming from up ahead. Startled, Chris slammed on the brakes, making a loud screeching noise. Phil looked in front of him, to see a large man in trousers aiming a shotgun at another man int the distance, who was running towards the larger man. Before any of the men in the car even had a chance to stop him, he shot the man running towards him.

"What the hell are you doing, shooting some guy?" Chris was trembling in fear  about confronting the much larger man. He turned to Chris, angered by him.

"What am I doing? I'm saving my own life, that's what I'm doing. And for your information, that thing I shot is far from human." Phil walked towards the dead body. Its shirt was ripped up and stained with blood. His hair. matted down with sweat. But what shocked Phil the most was when he discovered another human's hand inside the grip of this creature. Part of the hand, or at least Phil thought that's what it was, rested in the open mouth of it. The sight made Phil nearly vomit. Chris and Pj then walked over, and too nearly threw up. 

"See?" The man said, walking over to the bunch, "that thing isn't human. It tried to fucking eat me like it was some animal. They both chased me all the way from town and luckily I found this shotgun in my farm and ran back out he-"

Pj interrupted the farmer,"Wait a minute. You said they, as in there are more of these things?" The farmer nodded.

"I was walking past an old church, when at least a twenty of them popped out of nowhere and started attacking everyone."

Phil's eyes widened, "You were walking past a church!?." Again, the farmer nodded his head.

"Apparently there was some wedding getting ready to start and a bunch of those things got inside. When I left, I saw a bunch of them cornering this girl." Phil's entire body started to shake.

"And what did this girl look like? W-what was she wearing?" 

The farmer squinted his eyes. "I didn't get a great look at her, but she was fairly tall, black hair, and I think wearing a pink top." At those words, Phil's legs became jello, and he fell to the ground. His skin turned into a ghostly white and he stopped breathing. Chris quickly ran to his aid. 

"Phil, Phil!" Chris shook Phil, "What's wrong? Why are you shaking? Why aren't you breathing!! Phil! Do something Pj!" Phil finally came back to reality, and started to breathe again, but in heavy pants. 

"What the hell is wrong!?" Chris asked. Phil looked up to the three people that circled around him. Phil tried to speak, but all the came out was air. 

"Chris, back up a little. Give him some space to breath." Pj pulled Chris back. Phil slowed his breathing and heartbeat. Finally, he was able to speak. Phil could barely say the four words in his mind. It was to hard to say it to himself in his head, let alone out loud for everyone to hear. But what he did say shocked everyone.

"That girl was Emily."

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