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Phil's heart sunk, as he fell back to the ground. His entire body sunk into the field of grass where he lied. Phil's bride to be and mother to his unborn son, was most likely being eaten to live by horrifying zombie creatures. The thought sent shivers down his spine. What would he do without Emily?Without her, he was nothing.

Phil sat on the ground, listening in on the other three men's conversation.

"Zombies?" Phil heard Pj ask the farmer. "Are you sure they were zombies? I mean they're fictional creatures!"

"And aren't they supposed to be green? That one you killed isn't green," Chris chimed in.

The farmer man was upset. "Does that thing lying on the ground look fictional to you? This is real! There are zombies! And to answer your question, they are green! Once I shot that one over there, the skin turned back to a normal color." Pj sighed and turned his attention to Phil. Pj grabbed Phil's arm and helped him onto his feet. Phil was so shaky, that he had trouble standing up on his own.

"Phil," Pj said, "Are you sure it was her? I mean, there are lots of girls with black hair." Phil looked at Pj. He tried to tell himself that it could've been any girl at their wedding. But the way the farmerhad described the girl, perfectly fit Emily's apperance. There was not doubt in his mind, that the woman seen being cornered, was his bride to be.

"It's definently Emily. I don't know who else it could be." Phil took a deep breath and turned to the farmer. "So these zombie things...were they., um...w-were they like eating her?" The farmer moved his head from side to side.

"They were cornering her outside in the garden and she managed to climb up the old oak tree." Phil's eyes lit up. And Chris, who had stayed quiet, smiled.
"Phil, Emily could still be alive! She could still be up in that tree!" And at the same time, Pj, Chris, and Phil all looked at one another and said,

"We have to save her."

Back in the car, they raced to the church, only a couple of miles away. Chris had convinced Phil and Pj to take the farmer with them, whom they learned went by the name of Charles. Charles was indeed very large and smelled of manure. The only reason they let him join them was because, first of all he had a gun, and second of all he was very strong. He would be a crucial part in saving Emily.

Dark clouds started to cover the sky as Phil and the others pulled up into the church parking lot. The church was on the outside of town. No other buildings around it. The car slowed to a stop and Phil, not wanting to waste anymore time, hopped out of the car and began sprinting to the front doors, forgetting that this place had zombies in and around it.

"Phil!" Chris yelled, but not to loud so that'd he wouldn't attract any attention. "Don't go in yet! Let Charles go first! He has the gun!" Phil slowed down and waited for the rest of the group to catch up.

Once they were all together Pj asked,"Where are all the zombie things at?"

Charles answered him in a whisper as he opened the doors and led them inside. "Most of them probably chased all of the people out of here. But don't let your guard down, there could still be some left. And as for Emily, I already said she's in the garden. The quickest way to her is through the party area, which is located towards the back of the building. Keep your voices down and heads up. Got it?" The others nodded in silence and followed behind Charles.

Phil's heart rate sped up. At any moment a hideous monster could jump out and attack him. But so far he hadn't seen any. Maybe they were all in the garden, he thought. Hopefully they weren't.

The journey to the party room took longer than Phil had expected. This church was much larger than he thought. It had many narrow hallways leading to shut doors. Walls were decorated with various paintings and crosses. The one thing that added to the creepiness of the place, was the fact that all of the lights were out. Phil had never really minded the dark though. He kinda liked it to be honest. It was peaceful in a way. But right now he had bigger things to worry about and needed to stay focused.

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