Ethereal Kingdom

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"Please Prince Jisoo. Help me talk him out of this horrible idea." A servant begged as she took hold of the Prince's hands who just smiled and nodded. "Thank you so much!" She thanked before walking away.

Jisoo made sure she was out of earshot before entering the door behind him. "Are you ready to do this?" He asked as he watched the long blonde hair male pulled a white hood over his head. "The question is, are you?" The male smiled a mischievous smile as he grabbed a bag and walked past his best friend.

Jisoo playfully rolled his eyes before pulling his green hood over his head and made sure his strap bag was secure around his shoulders before heading out the room and following the other out the room. "Alright let's go into town and get some supplies first." Jisoo whispered as they hid behind a corner, Jeonghan's head pecking out see if anyone was coming.

Jeonghan made a motion with his hands before running across the hall to the other side and pressing his back against the wall. Jisoo sighed and calmly walked across the hall to the other. "No need to be extra." Jisoo commented as he crossed his arms.

Jeonghan just rolled his eyes and continued down the hall to the grand doors that opened up to the whole kingdom. "Why do we need supplies for? We're magical." Jeonghan quipped as he made a small ball of light with the flick of his wrist. "I don't know, maybe food." Jisoo sassed as he closed the other's hand.

They crouched down and walked alongside the railing to hide from the guards. "Oh, right. Sadly there's no such thing as the power to make food with the snap of your fingers." Jeonghan whispered as he pecked above the railing. Once the coast was clear, he jumped over the railing and landed on his feet.

Jisoo touched the railing and a long vein grew all the way to the ground. He smiled as he slid down the vein and landed peacefully on the ground. He touched the vein and it flowed down into the grass. "Talking about me, you're extra." Jeonghan scoffed as he adjusted his strap bag and started to walk away. "Well I'm sorry I'm not in the mood to break an ankle." Jisoo huffed as he trailed the other.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on so we can get some food from the village." Jeonghan said waving his best friend off, who rolled his eyes and caught up with the other.
"Why are you even hooked up on finding your so called soulmate? You barely even lived your life yet." Jisoo questioned as the two walked through the town's market, looking at the many different stands for anything interesting.

"Exactly. I barely lived my life yet and I want to live my life with my soulmate. So I need to find them before my father makes me marry someone who I'm not interested in." Jeonghan explained as he looked at a necklace that had an opal crystal surrounded with gold and a gold chain.

He picked it up to examine the necklace closely. "Are you even listening to me?" Jisoo asked as he looked at the older with a hand on his hip. "Sorry Shua, hold on." Jeonghan said as he walked over to the owner of the stand. "How much is this?" He asked once the old man was done talking to another customer. "W-what,? what are you doing?" Jisoo stuttered out as he came closer to the other.

"100 pixies." The old man said as he smiled at the two Princes. Jisoo eyes the male as he saw the greedy smile placed on his lips. "Here..." Jeonghan let out as he dig into his bag for the coins. "Wait! Han, are you really going to spend our money on this necklace?" Jisoo quipped as he placed his hand onto Jeonghan's, stopping him.

The old man gave Jisoo a disgust face, but the prince ignored it as he gave a look to his best friend. "There's something about this necklace. Like I'll need it on our quest. I don't know, but I have a feeling." Jeonghan answered as he continued to get out the coins and handed them to the old man who started to giggle greedily.

Jisoo sighed as they walked away from the stand. As they continued to walk, Jeonghan examined the necklace more carefully, "Han put it away before you drop it." Jisoo warned the other who just waved him off. Jisoo just shook his head and looked at all the food stands.

As they were walking, someone bumped into Jeonghan and knocked him to the floor, making him drop the necklace. His white hood fell off his head, showing off his identity to the town's people who started to squeal. It would be fine if the villagers did squeal, but since Jeonghan snuck out there were guards looking for him and the squeals attracted attention.

"Shit.." Jisoo breathed out as he saw some of the royal guards making their way over to them. "Come on, we gotta go." Jisoo said as he patted Jeonghan's shoulders and tried to pull him up off the ground. As he did so, Jeonghan grabbed the necklace and gripped it in his fist.

They ran the opposite way from the guards, making multiple twists and turns to try and lose them in the crowd of multiple people. Once the coast was clear, Jeonghan threw his hood back over his head and placed the necklace in his strap bag. "See, this is why I told you to put the necklace away." Jisoo scolded with the shake of his head and fixing his hood.

"Well I'm sorry, but there's something about that necklace that draws me in." Jeonghan said with the shake of his hand as the guy who bumped into him also stepped on his hand when he grabbed the necklace. "You can figure out what that feeling is later, but first we need to get out of here." Jisoo said as he picked up speed.

Jeonghan nodded silently as he followed in step with his best friend. As they speed walked to the exit of the kingdom, someone had pulled Jeonghan back by his strap bag. 'Shit. I'm fucked' Jeonghan thought as he squinted his eyes. "Are you Prince Jeonghan?" The person asked as he let go of Jeonghan.

"Who's asking?" Jisoo asked as he walked closer to the two and subconsciously pulled Jeonghan closer to him. "I'm Prince Choi Seungcheol of Elixir and I'm on a quest to save my kingdom. I was sent here because someone's here to help me on my quest." The male said as he pulled down his black hood revealing his face.

Jeonghan's breath hatched as he stared at the slightly taller male. Never had Jeonghan ever met someone so beautiful as the male who stood in front of him. "Nice to meet you, I am indeed Prince Yoon Jeonghan and this is Prince Hong Jisoo." Jeonghan introduced himself and Jisoo as he bowed to the other.

"It'll be an honor to help you on your quest."


I'm trying to get as much chapters out as possible before my inspiration goes away!!!😭😭

This is what the necklace looks like:

Additional information; yes the money in this book is call pixies

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Additional information; yes the money in this book is call pixies. This is a magical book so ofc the money has to be named something as magical as this world.

But that's all for now

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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