The Gem

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"Good boy! You set the evil wizard on fire." Samuel said as he cooed at the wolf as he pet it. "Alright, let's stay focus hearties." Seungkwan said as he put his sword away and looked around. Samuel pouted as he stood up and closed his eyes making the wolf disappear.

"The room shouldn't be too far away." Chan said as he walked a few feet down the hallway and looked around. "Isn't it right here?" Hansol asked as he pointed to a door that says 'secret door'. "Couldn't they name it any better." Samuel asked as the group stood in front of the door.

"Okay!" Chan exclaimed as he cracked his neck, arms, and hands before rubbing them and holding them out in front of him and he closed his eyes and concentrate on opening up a dimension.

"Tada!" He said once the dimension was open and they stepped inside. "Damn they have a lot of shit in here." Samuel said as he looked through the stuff and threw anything that didn't look interesting.

"Stay focus bucko, we're here for a gem." Seungkwan said as he patted Samuel's back. "Yea, yea. I'm looking." Samuel said as he moved from the spot he was looking in. "Guys I think I found it." Hansol said as he pointed at something that was glowing blue.

"That definitely looks like a gem." Chan said as they stared at it. "Well let's grab it and head out of here, this place is getting a bit creepy now." Samuel said as Chan grabbed the gem and put it in his bag before making a dimension to his brother.

They all landed on the ground next to Jihoon. "Did you get it?" Jihoon asked as he made an ice wall to block them. "Yea...we got it." Chan said with a groan as he showed his brother the gem. Jihoon smiled as he stared at the gem, "can you give the signal now so we can go." Samuel asked and Jihoon nodded.

He took the ice wall down and gave Seungcheol the signal who nodded and slid over to Jeonghan. "They got it." He stated which made Jeonghan smiled. "I knew they would." He said before standing up and started creating a huge ball of light.

"Get everyone out of here!" Jeonghan exclaimed which made Seungcheol nodded and gathered everyone as Jeonghan set off his big ball of light, blinding all the wizards. "Woah! When could he do that?" Seokmin asked with amazement as he watched the sky lit up.

"If he puts enough energy into his powers he's able to make a huge ball of light to blind anyone, though the side effects aren't so good. He'll lose consciousness." Jisoo exclaimed which made Seungcheol widened his eyes and exclaimed "what?!" Before running to find Jeonghan about to fall to the floor.

Luckily he made it in time to catch him and lay him on his lap. "Jeonghan?! Jeonghan! Can you hear me?!" Seungcheol said as he brushed a few hair strands out of the other's face and placed a hand against the younger's cheek.

"He's not dead stupid, he's just asleep." Wonwoo said as he rolled his eyes. "We need to get him home. Chan do you think you can speed up time and get us home?" Seungcheol asked as the younger shrugged. "I can try." Chan said as he rubbed his hands together and closed his eyes.


Jeonghan woke up and sat up, looking around. He made a sound of confusion as he noticed he was in his room. "Was it just a dream?" Jeonghan asked himself as he look around before looking at the door.

"Oh, prince Jeonghan you're awake? You've been out of it for a while. Did you stayed up late?" A maid asked as she came closer to Jeonghan with a tray of food.

Jeonghan watched as she poured him a cup of tea. "Uh yea...I guess you can say that." Jeonghan answered as he gave her an uncertain smile. "Your parents were worry since you usually wake up before noon." The maid said as she set the pot down and smiled at him.

"Oh...tell them I was just up reading." Jeonghan said as he picked up his tea cup and took a sip. "Very well then, please do enjoy your meal." The maid said as she bowed and walked towards the door.

"Wait!" Jeonghan called out stopping the maid as she turned around. Jeonghan stayed quiet for a moment as he thought about what he wanted to say. "Did...did Jisoo go home while I was asleep?" He asked quietly as he stared down at his tray.

"Yes your highness, Prince Jisoo's parents needed him home as he had some duties to attend. Is that all sir?" The maid asked as Jeonghan nodded and thanked her. "No problem your highness." The maid said before bowing and left the room.

Jeonghan sighed as he continued eating his food. "So it was just a dream...?" He asked himself as he took a bite out of his pancake. "But it felt so real." He said as he looked towards his window with another sighed.

As he continued to eat, he noticed something shining brightly in the corner of his eye. He hummed as he looked over at his bag that laid on the floor. He tilted his head and removed the tray from his lap along with the covers as he stood up and walked over to it.

He picked up his bag and opened it, pulling out a necklace. "So it wasn't a dream..." he said with a soft smile as he stared at the necklace. "Was it with you shining brightly in situations like this?" He asked the necklace as he walked over to his vanity and sat down.

He stared at himself in the mirror then back at the necklace before undoing it and wrapping it around his neck. Once it was around his neck he looked at himself in the mirror before feeling a surge of energy flow throughout his body.

"Woah! What was that for?" Jeonghan asked before looking at himself in the mirror and gasping.



But like I gotta go to bed now so like

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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