Prince Of Phrenetic

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"More and more walking! When will it ever be over?" Seokmin complained as he threw his head back in exhaustion. "When I save my kingdom." Seungcheol replied as he walked past Seokmin and gave him a look. "Hey Chan?" Seokmin called to the younger who looked up from the apple he was eating with a questioning look.

"Can you do a little something something to get us to the next kingdom or civilization?" He asked and Chan shrugged as he finished eating his apple and throwing the stem somewhere on the ground. Jisoo looked at the stem of the apple before placing his hand over it and making it into a tall apple tree.

"Show off." Jeonghan whispered in the other's ear which made Jisoo roll his eyes. "You said the nearest kingdom?" Chan asked as he rubbed his hands together, Seokmin nodded eagerly. "That'll be Phrenetic...." Wonwoo spoke up and Chan nodded as he circled his arms around each other as a light source started forming around his arms before it flash into the air; blinding everyone.

Once the flash of light was gone, the group of ten princes stood in front of a kingdom built on lava rocks. "Which prince lives here again?" Mingyu asked as he leaned closer to Wonwoo, who looked at him and pushed up his glasses a bit. "And does he really have to live on lava?" Jihoon said as he made a little ice cloud above him to keep him cool.

"Prince Soonyoung. His kingdom is built on lava rocks because other than Jeonghan's kingdom being right in front of the sun, his kingdom is built exactly near the sun." Wonwoo explained as he took a step onto the bridge, but lift his foot up as a ball of fire was aimed at it.

"Knew that was going to happen." Wonwoo stated as he looked up to see a male with faded red hair standing in front of him. "You really need to stop using your powers so often." Mingyu stated which made the older roll his eyes. "Who are you people?" The male with faded red hair asked as he eyed the group of princes.

"I'm Seungcheol, prince of Elixir and these are my friends." Seungcheol introduced as he gestured to the group before bowing; followed by the others. "And for what did you guys come here for?" The male asked as he continued to eye the group.

"We need a place to stay for the night." Jeonghan answered as he stepped closer to Seungcheol's side. "And food, I'm starving." Junhui stated in his native language to which Wonwoo translated for the rest of the group. The male nodded as he pulled the lever on the bridge which switched it from a lava bridge to a regular bridge.

"I'm Soonyoung by the way, prince of Phrenetic." The male said as he led the group to the kingdom's palace. "Father! We have guests!" Soonyoung called out as he led the group to the main room where a male with red hair sat in his throne, reading over a piece of paper in his hand. "Welcome new comers. To what do I owe this visit?" The king asked as he looked down at the group of princes.

"Evenings your highness, I am Prince Seungcheol and I'm on a quest—with the help of my fellow princes—to save my kingdom and restore the gem of Elixir." Seungcheol said with determination as he stood tall in front of the king. "That doesn't explain why you're in my palace though." The king said as he looked at the other princes in the group.

"We need a place to rest at, we've been walking for about three days now." Jeonghan said as he stepped closer towards Seungcheol who gave him a thankful smile. "Well why didn't he just say so. Come on, come on. Dinner is being served at this very moment and then Soonyoung can show you to your rooms." The king said as he sat up from his throne and took the stairs down from it.

"I'm king Kibum by the way." The king said as he open the grand doors to the dinning room. "Well King Kibum, why does your kingdom have to be so hot?" Jihoon asked as he made his ice cloud a bit bigger; ice falling onto the floor here there, Soonyoung having to melt it every now and then.

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