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I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment. I have a black mesh top over a simple cropped tank top. I paired it with leather pants and simple heels. It's the most dressed up I've been in a long time, excluding when I'm performing. I grab my phone and check the time. Aaron should be here soon. None of them know why I want to go to this party still. Isaac had told me that I'm too uptight all the time. He made a big deal about me never going to parties and I said that I did. He knew it was a lie but to prove a point I'm going to this one. I just wasn't going somewhere where I didn't have any familiar faces. 

I walked downstairs and my mom took in my outfit," Where are you going?"

I hold my hands in front of my body," There is a party that I'm going to with Aaron, Jason, and Ace."

Mom is quiet for a moment before nodding," Be home at a reasonable hour, no later than 11:30, and be safe. If you need anything don't be afraid to call us. I trust this if Jason is there."

I smile and let out a relieved breath," Thank you, Momma."

She stands and kisses my cheek," Have fun with your friends. I'm happy you're finally opening up."

I ignore how heated my face gets when she says that. I've been plenty open," See you later tonight."

Aaron honks his horn and I run outside. Heels are nothing to me at this point. They are easy enough to run in. I open the door to Aaron's car and hop in quickly. He's in a simple button-up and pants. For him, it's nice.

"You look great," He winks at me as we drive off. He checks his phone when it goes off and smiles," Jason and Ace are already there. Surprised Ace agreed to go. Parties are not his thing."

I smile. Maybe it's because he definitely likes you. I don't say," Maybe because we are going."


It's not long before we reach the party. It's crowded and Aaron keeps me by his side. He has an arm around my shoulder. I notice people staring but I ignore them. We aren't dating but I'm sure the rumors will spread. It's not hard to find Jason and Ace. They are playing beer pong with a crowd around them. From the looks of it, Ace is winning. I snort when Jason stumbles his way to me with a smile. 

"Are you a lightweight?" I tease him as he pulls me into a hug. 

His laugh rumbles through my whole body," You look great. Haven't seen you this dressed up ever."

I punch his shoulder," Go back to your game. I'm team Ace."

He pouts," So mean to me."

I shake my head with a smile as I watch them resume their game. Aaron is cheering on Jason and I'm cheering on Ace. Ace seems to be a little distracted but I don't point it out. He still wins against Jason and I push him out of the way.

"Aaron. You and me. Let's go."

Aaron smiles," Your on!"

He lets me go first and that's his mistake. I get every shot in and he's already halfway through his drinks when I get my first five down. A larger crowd has gathered around us and they cheer loudly when I get another ball into a cup. Aaron curses and downs another drink. He stumbles slightly and Ace immediately steadies him. Aaron flashes him a smile and Ace looks away quickly with a blush. I smile at them before looking back at the game. Aaron has one more while I still only have five missing. I bounce the last one into his cup and Jason picks me up quickly. I squeal loudly as he spins me. He's definitely drunk. 

He sets me down and I pull his arm," Let's go get you some water and food."

He nods eagerly and I lead him through the crowds. His hand tightens on mine and it sends fire up my arm. His hand fits mine perfectly. I wonder what it would feel like for his hands to travel- No! We are not going down that rabbit hole again. Not tonight. That was not the goal of tonight. I pull my hand away from him as I make him a plate of food. He's swept into a conversation with the girl that I had mentioned liked him. I watch her touch his arm and give him a sickenly sweet smile. An uncomfortable feeling forms in my stomach and I shove it down quickly. 

"Don't be jealous," Aaron makes me jump as he whisper to me. He seems completely sober despite how much he just drank," He isn't going to do anything with her. He never does anything with anyone."

"I'm not jealous," I glance up at him and I know he can tell I'm lying. I hate that Aaron has learned to read my emotions so fast," I'll be fine," I move to Jason and hold the plate out to him," Here, Jay. I got you some food. Drink this."

He grabs the plate and cup from my hand listening to what I say easily," Thanks, lovely Em."

Damn that new nickname. The girl he was talking to flashes me a smile but I can see the glare in her eyes," Who are you?"

Aaron wraps an arm around my shoulders," Does it matter? She's a friend."

The girl rolls her eyes and smiles back at Jason and I resist the urge to vomit," Would you like to go somewhere more private, Jay," Jason frowns at the nickname. 

He shakes his head," No thanks. I'd like to stay with Emery. Don't call me Jay."

The girl glares at me," She called you Jay."

"She's Emery. She get's to call me Jay," Before I could protest he pulls me into him by the hip. I shiver slightly as his thumb rubs my side. Curse me and wearing a mesh shirt," You don't have the right to call me Jay. Either refer to me as Jason or don't refer to me at all."

Aaron snorts and quickly covers his mouth. He turns from the group but I can't blame him. I would have laughed too if I wasn't distracted by his hand on my side. He hasn't stopped rubbing his thumb over my skin. Does he even realize he's doing that? I barely notice the girl leave and a small smile forms on my face. I look back at Aaron but his attention is on something else. He has a small frown on his face. I look where he's looking and my smile turns into a smirk. Ace is dancing with another guy and Aaron is jealous.

I look at Jason," Should we intervene?"

Jason chuckles, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my between his legs," We probably shouldn't get involved. They might panic."

I don't even register half his words. He's drunk. I have to remind myself of that. He wouldn't do this if he were sober. I pull away from his hands, hating to lose the warmth they created," We'll see."

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