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Jason exits his locker room to find Emery waiting across the hall for him. He opens his arms for her with a bright smile and she falls into them automatically. Both of them are happy with their careers despite their busy schedules. They always find a way to be with each other. 

"Hello, beautiful," Jason kisses the top of Emery's head. Excitement and nervousness ran through him. Today is the big day. He's had every one of his teammates helping him set up for today. All of them were excited for him. 

"Hi," She kisses his jaw," Did you have a good practice?"

He nods," Come with me. I have a surprise."

She doesn't say anything and lets him drag her through the halls. She does get suspicious of what's happening when the teammates she's come to be friends with are all smiling at her. They know something is about to happen and yet she doesn't know. 

"Close your eyes," Jason turns abruptly. 

Emery raises a nervous eyebrow," Why?"

"Do you trust me?"


"Then close your eyes."

She finally does what he says and lets him lead her. She feels ice beneath her feet and her grip tightens on Jason," Jay, why are we on the ice? I don't want to fall."

"You'll see."

She resisted the urge to open her eyes. They finally come to a stop and Jason cups her cheek. She slowly opens her eyes and has to blink a few times to adjust to the bright light streaming down on them. She takes in her surroundings slowly and a bright smile forms on her face. 

"Jason, what is this?"

Red balloons are scattered across the rink with petals and flowers everywhere. It forms a heart with them at the center and there are red words right behind him. Jason slides to one knee, pulling out the ring he had gotten from his mother," Emery, you are my favorite girl in the whole world and I can never imagine my life without you. I have been in love with you since I was 13 and you slammed a pile of snow into my face after I made fun of your height," Emery chokes out a laugh as tears brim in her eyes. She holds her hand over her mouth in excitement," I want to spend every moment of my life with you. Will you do me the honor and marry me?"

Emery nods her head up and down multiple times before she finally chokes out the word," Yes. Yes, I will."

Jason springs up, not so elegantly, and dives to hug her. They both break out in a fit of laughter as they start slipping. Jason spins as they hit the ice and tightens his hold on her when they are both laying there unfazed.

"I told you we were going to fall," Emery laughs.

"Actually," Jason jokes," You said you didn't want to fall."


Jason smiles and holds out his hand. Emery places her hand in his and he slides the ring on. They kiss happily but the moment is broken by the happy cheers of teammates and friends. They break apart laughing and both of them could never be happier in this moment. 

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