Sequel to save me from the past

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Warning- to extremely emotional directioners who hate to think about the band not doing tours anymore make sure you have tissues!!-

Chapter 8 ~(25~

Confusion of feelings-sequel to Save me from the past

Louis POV- (5 years later)

It was our last show, of our last ever tour. We sang our last album ever for the last time, "ok guys, you are the last to have seen us on tour." Niall says, "we are sad to say this is our last show, ever..." Liam says getting a little upset, "we loved you guys so much! We hate having to get out of the music business," Zayn says. "We just want you to never forget us, we will tweet stuff still if you guys care." Harry says, "yes, but I have one last thing I want to share with you guys." I say and I look backstage at Emma, "come up here babe." I say and she runs on stage, "this everybody, you know her as my girlfriend Emma. But to me, I want to be much more." I say getting on one knee, the boys start humming into their microphones the tune to little things. Emma starts crying a little, "Emma, we have been through a lot, good times and bad. I will never give up on us, will you marry me?" I ask as she nods slowly getting on her knees because her feet gave out, I put the ring on her finger and cup we face as I kiss her. "I love you so much Louis," she says and I smile. "I love you more," I say as we stand up. All the boys and I speak into the microphones, "I'm Niall, I'm Harry, I'm Zayn, I'm Liam and I'm Louis... And we, were one, direction." We say as a few tears escape, we wave goodbye as we slowly walk of stage. Niall just stands there, "I don't wan to leave!!" He yells and Liam shakes his head he goes to Niall and carries him of stage. We all do a group hug including Lou and Paul, "I'm gonna miss doing this." Zayn says as we all agree, we all back up. Each of us with our own partner in life, Danielle and Liam were married, me and Emma engaged, Zayn dating a girl named heather, Niall with Sarah they were first to get married, and Harry with Michelle. "We must keep in touch," Niall says as we all agree. "Well, I guess this is bye for now... Love ya guys." I say as we all hug each other separately, I grab Emma's hand and we wave as we all head our separate ways.

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