Chapter 4

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You grinned at yourself in the mirror and checked your outfit for the last time.

You wore an oversized black sweater with a (F/c) head band, (f/c) skinny jeans, and black converse. You had also pulled your hair back (or loose if your hair is too short) and put on some mint chap stick which was currently in your back pocket along with your phone, wallet, and earbuds.

"I'm going now!!" You yelled to your mom. "It lasts till Christmas Eve morning so I'll be back at noon or something!!"

"Okay love you!!" Your mom yelled back and you mentally thanked her for being so cool.

As you arrived at the party you swing the door open with out knocking, because who knocks on one of your best friend's doors when well they are your best friend?
"SUP YA LOSERS?" You yelled and bounced onto the couch in between Nepeta and John.

"Hey!" John gave you a side hug which you returned with a ruffling of his beautiful, majestic, magical, godly black hair.

"So we were just playing truth or dare but it got boring so we stopped and started checking who was here." Kanaya walked into the living room with a bored looking Rose.

'Rose and Dave would be best friends...' You thought and grinned when Gamzee opened the front door and dropped his bag next to yours.

"HEYYY!!" You got up and embraced your old friend, after that you sat down in your original spot and Gamzee sat in a bean bag chair.

"So far the people here are Rose, myself, Aradia, (Y/n), John, Gamzee, Nepeta, Tavros, Vriska, and obviously Jade." Kanaya said and sat down on the other couch.

"Cool lets get motherfuckin started, (Y/n) truth or dare?" Gamzee said with a lopsided smile.

"Dare." You replied.

"I dare you to let Kanaya dress you  up every day until we leave this sleepover." He laughed as you gave him a putrid expression.

"Starting now."

"Oh let's go!!" Kanaya gave an excited squeal and dragged you up to Jade's room.

You looked down at the dark blue dress Kanaya had out you in and smiled. The dress was nice but you just weren't used to wearing them that much.

"Put these on." Kanaya put some sparkly black flats down in front of you and started to do your make up.
She gave you black lips, a black headband, put some concealer on the places you needed it, put on some mascara, and curled/straightened your hair.

"You look amazing." She huffed and stretched.

You moved your face around and got used to the feeling of the make up on your face, then you practiced walking in the heels for exactly one minute and headed back to the living room.

"Whoa (y/n) you look... Amazing." John said with his mouth open as you say down next to him again.

"Th-thanks." You mentally hissed at yourself for becoming flustered.

"Tavros truth or dare?"

"Uhhhhhhh- truth." The boy said awkwardly.

"Do you like Gamzee in more than a friendly way?" You have him an on point eyebrow dance while he blushed madly.

"Uuuuuuuhh y-y-y uhhh yeah, um in a best friend kind of way." Tavros could have said more but Gamzee tackled him in a hug while laughing loudly.
After they finished hugging Tavros spoke.

"Uuuh Dave truth or dare?"

"Dare." Dave replied.

'Wait when did he get here?' You asked yourself.
'I don't know bitch!!' Yourself replied.

"I dare you to kiss uuuh (Y/n) for payback!" Tavros pumped his fist in the air childishly.

"Okay." Dave shrugged and walked over to you.

'Wait wat.' You thought as Dave kissed you on the lips. 'He was never told to do it on the lips!!'
Next to you John growled but nobody heard him.
Dave pushed away quickly and you pushed your back farther against the couch.

"Vriska truth or dare?" Dave asked as if nothing had happened.

"Dare." She said.

"Do a flip." Dave leaned against the wall.

"Ooooooookay." Vriska hissed and rolled forwards into a wall. "OUCH!!" She yelled and kicked the wall. "OUCH AGAIN YOU ARE SUCH A BITCH YOU STUPID WALL."

"THUP!" Sollux walked in with a cold looking Karkat.

"Let's play a different game." You said and watched Eridan, Terezi, Feferi, and Equius walk in.

"What about seven minutes in heaven?" Terezi said with a evil grin.

"I'll play." Gamzee shrugged.

"I guess I will." You reluctantly said and groaned when everybody else agreed.

"Okay." Jade said while entering the room with two trash bags. "Guys in this one and girls in the other, put your item in and sit back down."

Once everyone had put an item in and sat back down Terezi walked up to the male bag and pulled out a.. Napkin?

Equius stood up and tapped (pounded) on Terezi's shoulder.
"Uuuffff youuuu.." She groaned and they walked off to the closet.

After the seven minutes ended Terezi came out looking pretty mad.

"Fish boy." She said and pulled her knees to her chin on the floor.
Eridan walked up to the female trash bag and pulled out...
'Dear lord.' You thought and wished the best for the poor emotional hipster.

At the seven minute mark Kanaya practically kicked down the door and stomped off to the couch with Rose and Eridan sat down in a corner next to Karkat while rubbing his cheek and spilling out his feelings.

"(Y/n)." Kanaya grumpily said.

"Fine." You stood up and walked over to the male bag.
You picked through some things until your hand landed on a...

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