The Puppy Affair

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I finally gave up and allowed the coverts to follow me as long as I knew who they were by car and photos. Christmas is coming and I am being double teamed by the kids for a puppy. If we have to run this time we will have to leave the dog with someone. The kids have no idea what is going on. They have been clueless to what's going on. They have one person on the loose and I have a bullet with his name on it. I can't hold out on them any more and find a puppy that is small enough to hold and can't learn to protect them. They will be trained and the children and I will attend the courses. I am keeping up my self defense skills and my shooting skills. Security made sure I had video and audio cameras where they were needed and upgraded everything to the latest.

After Miss Steele caught my covert within a half hour of him following her, she allowed the covert to follow her but to be more discreet about it. She also wanted to know what the covert looks like and their name and to tell her a phrase that she gave me to have them say if she catches them again. The bell tolls for you. That's something that most people wouldn't think of to say. She gave those instructions to the covert she discovered first and then Thomas Sawyer told her the phrase and became more discreet. She's good I give her that. Mia still hasn't caught her covert and he's been with her for years. I finally have a photo of Anastasia Steele. She was looking for a puppy but never got one. She then drove to a place that sold puppies and she left without one.

The coverts are bored to tears at following Miss Steele around. Grocery shopping, puppy shopping, children's clothing shopping and toy shopping. The toy shopping was a little fun, but otherwise she's a home body. Occasionally she has to go help get people out of jail. Finally Theresa Prescott is following her without complaining about the boringness of it. It apparently got exciting and backup coverts had to be brought in. A what appeared to be a couple started following Miss Steele and before Prescott knew it they were going to attempt grabbing Miss Steele, that's when she called in backups to help her detain the two. A man and a woman. Soon they had Jack Hyde and Elizabeth Morgan in custody and police were called. Miss Steele was injured in the attack from Hyde and Morgan and they drugged her by needle in the ladies room. It turns out these two had been looking for Miss Steele for a while, her testimony was key in putting them away for life but they escaped before they could be arrested. It was a good thing we had coverts on her, because she couldn't get to her loaded gun that was found in her purse along with her carry conceal license. They had to keep her overnight to assure the drugs were out of her system and did no hard and her injuries weren't serious. The sitter was contacted and arrangements were made to watch the children since the sitter had to be elsewhere. So Thomas Sawyer had to become a manny.

Thomas Sawyer
I suddenly became a manny for Miss Steele's children. I wasn't bored after meeting her children. They kept me busy. Too busy, I don't know how Miss Steele keeps these two kids entertained I have a lot of respect for her now.

They got the upper hand on me and hit my head before I knew it and drugged me. I woke in the hospital after I was brought here by ambulance. They have Hyde and Morgan in custody. The covert called in backups and they caught them and they were arrested and charged and they found out they were wanted for a lot of other crimes and I am a key witness against both of them. My testimony got them both life sentences, they escaped from custody and I disappeared with the children. The timing of Carrick Grey's offer was perfect. It didn't hurt that he was aware of all the other headhunters offers and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I finally ask who is with my children? Now I have to testify against them here. I saw a glimpse of them in the mirror prior to getting knocked out. I didn't have a chance to get to my gun. Luckily my covert got backups and got them before they could kidnap me, they were going to kill me. I need to thank them and Christian Grey for having them protect me to begin with. I decide to send him a thank you note and gift. I decided to send him a photo of me and the children and cookies we made as a thank you, we posed for the photo with our own cookies and milk in hands and smile. I have a covert deliver it to his office.

A week after her attack Anastasia had something delivered to me and I was pleasantly surprised by the gift and the thank you. I opened it up to find her and her children holding a cookie and a glass of milk in each of their hands inserted into a wooden box under a piece of glass, I opened it up and it was full of cookies a lot of them each were placed into separate sections of the container. It was a deep box, possibly homemade like the cookies. I undo the wrapping on the cookies and take a chocolate chip one out. It has a smiley face on them in chocolate chips. Elliott bursts in and I swear he knows when chocolate is around and he suddenly appears out of nowhere. I shut the lid very quickly and put the box away and hide it.

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