Not Much Can Be Done

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I was released from the hospital and so was Mia and I know she had a million questions, but Elliott told her that she would have to wait until I wanted to talk about it. After all it's not everyday you find out you have four siblings by two different women both had identical twins. I saw Isobel and pregnant with my dad and jumped to conclusions about her and my dad. Elliott told me that I have twin nieces and that Isobel is my half sister, she has a sister Miranda Aranjo and I have twin brothers Steven and David Rogers all younger than me. So I am not sure what my mom knows and when she knew it, but she definitely knew that I had half siblings and one mother died and dad made sure his children were all taken care of. They were in childcare at Kavanagh Media when Ethan and I were. I found out more about why my mother stays by my dads side, it is the money. She owns half her bridal shop and if she divorces dad she will barely make it out in the world. She pretty much trapped dad into a marriage and had nothing but the clothes on her back and Ethan in her womb. So she was and is a gold digger, which explains what she was trying do in regards to my wedding. Elliott pointed out that the costs were like four times what they really costs. He thinks she pocketed the extra money. He could be very right about it after I went through it the numbers mom gave us were four times the amount we were given for the exact same thing from the same companies. We handled everything ourselves but the wedding dress. Dad has been very trying, but I understand him better now. I met and apologized to Isobel and met my other siblings and they met each other.

Kate finally agreed to meeting her siblings. Ethan came over to meet them as well, Enid has had a fit of anger, but she calmed down after a phone call from Eamon. After what Kate told me about the circumstances of their marriage and how he ended up married to her mom, I can understand why she hasn't divorced him. She would be broke. After hearing everything about the situation, Eamon was not exactly a saint, but he wasn't the bad guy either. After seeing Enid in action I am surprised he didn't divorce her and just let her fend for herself. He had Kavanagh Media a long time before he met her and got pregnant to trap him and he did the right thing but he also made sure to protect himself from her gold digging clutches. We took photos with the siblings and emailed them to everyone. Now I have more in laws and nieces now. I buy gifts for my nieces and make sure they get them.

I am so mad at Eamon but I can't do anything about it. He started introducing his other children to Kate and then to Ethan. I can't deal with him flaunting his children around in my face. I mean now the world will know about my farce of a marriage. I actually received a photos of all the children along with their children and husband. I guess he is a proud grandpa now. I definitely aren't a grandma now. I wished I had made more of the bridal shop so I could get out of this marriage. I just enjoyed my life of leisure so much Iforgot that he was the one paying for all of it and I didn't want to be bothered running my own business enough to make money off it. After the kids started school I had plenty of time to build my business, but I didn't. I even took the children to the daycare at Kavanagh Media and dropped them off on the days they weren't in school. Summers, holidays and other days they were off.

Ethan has four siblings he didn't know existed and two nieces that were just born. Kate and he were angry at their father about not being told sooner. Plus he could have brought his orphaned ones home to be raised with them. Mom and dad somehow wasn't surprised at this news. We never socialized with the Kavanagh family before Kate and Ethan became family and we were required to have them at family gatherings. Mom wants to meet them and welcome them to the family. I just don't think it will happen. I think they need time to get to know each other before adding others into the mix. It's just my opinion.

I look up the phone numbers of the newest Kavanagh family members. I think I can try to invite them over for a family bbq. What could go wrong.

I can't believe I have to tell Grace what could go wrong in her inviting the siblings and Enid to the same bbq party. I have to keep grilling to avoid the drama. I was hoping that this wouldn't happen at our home. But Grace was determined to get everyone together. God bless her she wants the world to get together and everyone get along and be one huge family. I hope all goes well. I just want a peaceful weekend to relax after all the things at work. I can picture all hell breaking loose between Enid and Eamon and security has to stop her from killing him. The police arrive and it makes the gossip rags. They finally divorce after he has to file assault charges against her. We all know she won't divorce him because she can't support herself and she is on an allowance and it ends after they divorce. It is actually quite a generous allowance. She bragged to one of my clients the amount, too bad my client was stupid enough to listen to her and screwed up her potential marriage by asking for a much larger allowance than proposed.

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