Give Me Your Strength

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With fire shooting out every manhole throughout the city, every member of the league of symbiote were all shocked not knowing exactly what was going on, Deku/Venom's group knew exactly what was going on.


"What's the matter Riot?, Scared of a little fire!"

Venom says this as he looks at Riot who is shaken up by seeing so much flames shooting around the area.


"You!, You did this!"


"No I didn't, better friend that did!"


"You and your so-called friends are insane!"


"Maybe we are, but that's what makes us stronger than you!"

With that said, Venom charge straight towards Riot, seeing him coming, Riot grab hold I guess stop sign which he then pulled it out from the ground and threw it like a spear straight towards Venom, as the stop sign was beginning to get closer, Venom launched out his tentacle from his back and grabs hold the stop sign which he then pulled in and grabbed hold of it with his, doing so he firmly got the stop sign as he charged towards Riot and impelled him with the stop sign.


"You seem to be off your game, need to take a break!?"

Hearing Venom's taunt, Riot got really really angry, he reached out his hand to try to grab Venom, but he saw that coming clear as day, so he leaned back and pulled back his left leg which he then kicked Riot directly in his stomach, sending him off the stop sign and flying all the way down the street, seeing him land on the ground, Venom dropped the stop sign and smiled as he then bent his knees and leaping high up into the air, as he did so, Riot slowly began to lift himself up, from doing so he looked ahead and didn't see Venom at all, until suddenly Venom landed directly on to him, making a small crater in the road, after doing that Venom got off of Riot and reached down and grab him and lifted him above his head, while lifting him up, Venom looked over at a manhole which was shooting out a massive amount of flames, so from seeing his opportunity, Venom through him straight towards the flames without any hesitation.


"Venom, no!"

Right after saying that it was already too late, venom has already thrown right straight towards the flames, completely forgetting about Shigaraki inside of Riot.


"No, we can't die like this!, Riot!, Do something!"

Wall flying directly towards the fire, Riot quickly extended his right arm making it stretch out and birth to a window and into an office with she then begin pulling himself straight in, from seeing that Venom was about to jump directly towards the building and pursue Riot, right before he could he hear they familiar voice call out to him.



Venom turns around and sees Sleeper land right in front of him.


"Sleeper, you've made it."


"Yes, we have, where are the others?"


"I don't know exactly, but I'm sure they won't be too hard to find."


"I see, so do you need any help here?"


"No I don't, but I think Anti-Venom could use your help."


"Why does he need help?"


"Because last time I saw him he was facing up against two other symbiotes, so I need you to take one of them off of his hands."


"I understand, but why do we need to help him, he is our enemy after all."


"That might be so, but his host is our classmate and friend."


"Very well."

With that said Sleeper turned away from Venom, and took a few steps until eventually leaping away, once he was now gone, Venom turned towards the building Riot was in, delete directly towards the window he saw him burst through earlier, once inside he cautiously walked around and kept his eyes open at all times.


"Where are you?"

While carefully looking for Riot, he didn't notice a door leading to the stairway slightly open.


As Venom was inside the building, Shigaraki burst through a door and into an alleyway way soon falls to his hand and knees and that's directly into a puddle where he sees Riot looking back at him.


"Damn it, how could this happen to us!?"


"I don't know exactly, but what I do know is that we need more strength."


"It's a little too late to get something like that don't you think!?"


"No, it's never too late to get more strength."


"Oh yeah?, Then tell me how the hell are we supposed to get more strength?"


"It's simple, all we need to do is consume it."

~Flaming building~

As the street's manholes were shooting out flames, some of the buildings were catching on fire due some of the flames going through the pipes connected to buildings, and in one of those flaming buildings were Toxin and Phage who were still fighting one another, but compared to earlier, Toxin was getting the upper advantage this time due to being able to maneuver around the flames easily, phage in other hand couldn't maneuver that much due to height and size, so with a strong kick from Toxin, phage within flying directly out of the building and on to the streets, from that happening he looked around and noticed all the flames, not knowing what was going on he decided to flee the area and head towards Riot/Shigaraki to tell them that they need to retreat, after running and jumping throughout the city he eventually found Shigaraki in an alleyway.


"Tomura!, I need to talk to Riot at once."


"All right then."

With that said, Riot came out of Shigaraki's body, and went towards phage.


"What seems to be the?"


"What's the!?, Can't you see!?, There are flames shooting out of the streets, we need to retreat at once!"


"We don't need to retreat, all we need is more strength."

Bang that Riot graph hold of Phage's neck with his right hand, and with his left hand he sinks his fingers into Phage's body and begins ripping him off of Mr. Compress, once he successfully ripped phage off of Mr. Compress, he then tossed him away and began to consume Phage right in front of Mr. Compress who felt complete betrayal from the man he followed.

~To be continued~

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