The Change

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I was heading to the Autobot base like normal when I see Arcee in my garage so I hop on we take a drive but I soon notice she was taking me away from the Autobot base.

"Arcee shouldn't we be heading to the base?" I asked before she stops and I got off so she could return to robot mode. "Y/n we need to talk" Arcee told me as she started asking me about the nanobots and the energon but I keep calm. "Arcee I took those things to try and help you all I thought I could use the nanobots to replicate the energon increasing your supplies but I have yet to get results" I tell her not letting on that it was a lie as she stands up thinking about my answer.

"Prime wants to talk with you" Arcee told me as she contacts Rachet to open a ground bridge which I walk through and as I do I saw te other Autobots looked at me but I also see Agent Fowler, Troy and Lucy watching me walk into the middle of the circle. "So Where is Optimus?" I asked as Optimus steps forward and looks down at me as I look up at him with that look I knew he was not going to be easy to fool. "So let me guess you all want to know why I took those nanobots and energon" I say before Optimus stops me and shows me that Arcee had her communicate on meaning they already heard my explaination but they weren't convinced as I feel the tension in the air telling me that I had to change my plan which FlashWing was ready for.

"I got to say fooling all of you has been fun but I think it's time for me introduce myself" I say while smiling at the fact I was able to fool them for so long I only wished I could have found the rest of my crew before now. "My name is Kronus and like all of you I'm a Cybertronian" Kronus tells them as he looks at the ground bridge but he does look at them with a smile on his face.

"What have you done with Y/n?" Arcee asked with anger in her voice but couldn't help but feel the sense of control as I look at all of them. "Why he's right here I'm just borrowing his body" Kronus told them but they seem to be unable to believe him which was understandable. "Allow me to explain long before your war with the Decepticons as you call them another was waged on our home planet one which could have changed everything" Kronus says as he started to tell them the story of how he came to be like this.

Kronus Story

"On Cybertron things were still being improved but I could see that no matter what we did things would only fall as time passes and peace woul be lost then it came to me if I unit Cybertron under my rule then I could make piece last forever. So I started by telling them of my plan but the council called me mad but I soon showed them I was no fool I found others like me those who wanted change and once I had my crew the war began but I as the fighting continued I noticed things tipping in the way of my enemies. Knowing that we were losing the battle I sent my three generals to the stars while I also placed a piece of my spark inside a cube of energon which just happen to fall on this planet".

Kronus Story Ends

"After I was released from the energon I was trapped in I found myself in need of a new but when I tried to use a piece of technology I found it was impossible for me to remain combined with it as such a new vessel was required and as luck would have it this human was most suitable for my needs" Kronus said as Arcee stops over and points her finger at him demanding he return you to your body. "My dear Arcee as of right now I am still in need of this one but don't worry I will return him once my goal is achieved" Kronus as as he noticed FlashWing moving slowly towards the ground bridge controls.

"If you haven't noticed Kronus there is six of us and only one of you besides what could you do in a human body" Bulkhead states as Kronus begins to chuckle at his words before giving them a smile. "Bulkhead was it you might be strong but your no thinker because I already located one of my generals and we will now take our leave" Kronus says as the ground bridge powers up and FlashWing knocks Rachet out the way as he picked Kronus up and they pass through but Arcee gave chase however as she got through FlashWing transformed into his jet mode and flies away.

Time Skip

After Arcee had returned to the base everyone seems just as worried as she was not only was their friend under the control of a rogue Cybertronian but he is also having who knows what done to his body as they never really learned what he planned to do with the energon and nanobots. "Arcee we will get Y/n back" Optimus says trying to cheer her up but she as took focused on the moment she let you slip through her fingers. "Optimus I did some digging into Cybertronian history and it seems Kronus was the leader of a group who wanted to remake the universe by destroying the current one" Rachet said as everyone looked at the information and it paints a very dark picture of Kronus.

"He wanted to destroy our universe why?" Lucy asked as Rachet continue looking through hoping to have the answer which it does. "It seems he believed that because of how most of the other planets had been consumed by war or sickness that Kronus began to think the universe was a dark and cruel one so he found others who wanted to have a new world and the first war of Cybertron began" Rachet says as they all noticed how the records just come to an end but Optimus knew Kronus would not rest until his goal was achieved meaning they needed to find him and stop him.

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