Lost But Found

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Week goes by and no sign of Airachnid as everyone searched for energon while I watch for the signs of Decepticons but I also was watchingout for any signs of the mystery Cybertronian however while watching I pick up a strong surge of energon so I head out to investigate since I was the closest to it. "Ok lets see the scanner says the energon is right here yet I don't see it" I tell myself as I walk around a little when I see a strange device in the middle of the area which was giving off the signal. I was about to leave before getting hit by a shock which knocks me out as I see some blurry figures surrounding me and a single voice which I couldn't make out who it belonged to.

Unknown Location

After what must have been hours I finally wake up only to find myself strapped to a table as I soon noticed someone standing in the shadows. "What is this?" I asked as a voice came out of the dark and I knew it all to well as the person walks out and it's revealed to be Silas the leader of M.E.C.H.

"I'm so glad you can join us" Silas says as I see him step towards me with a smile on his face as I see one of his followers start scanning me for information on most likely my transforming ability. "If your still trying to find a way to become like my friends then sorry to say but that will never happen" I tell him but his smile remains as I soon see them bring in equipment for a dissection. "I'm sorry to say but we plan to open you up and learn your secrets but don't worry it will only hurt a lot" Silas says as I see them take a knife and move closer to me as I soon feel a sharp pain going down my chest as I force myself to remain silent.

Back At The Autobot Base

Arcee returns from her mission only to find the base empty so she radios the others and soon sees the energon signal as the ground bridge starts up and everyone else returns to base and Rachet scan the energon signal but quickly discovers it to be a fake signal but that still begs the question where are you. "Rachet please tell me your able to locate him?" Arcee asked as Rachet tries to locate you but while doing this Kronus got a pain chest but nothing was wrong as everyone soon noticed as he falls back only to be helped back up by Bulkhead.

"Are you alright my lord?" AirStrike asked as he feels the pain get a little lighter but never go away as his spark begins to pulse as if he was feeling what humans call fear. "My spark is afraid" Kronus says as every seems confused but Arcee was starting to understand as she connected the pieces. "Y/n" Arcee says as everyone begins to understand what was going on and begin looking for their friend little did they know M.E.C.H were already on their way to learning his secret.

To M.E.C.H

At M.E.C.H's hideout they had you cut open as you organs are exposed with them removing one of your kidney's along with a blood sample which leave you a little weak. "Silas we have enough tissue to begin examination what should we do with the subject" one of the M.E.C.H scientists says as Silas smiled at their success in gaining the information of your abilties before setting an explosive as the whole of M.E.C.H start clearing out as Silas speaks to you one last time. "You have done a great service to our country but your usefulness has come to an end" Silas say as I hear the ticking of the timer before Silas leaves but I couldn't even move as the timer slowly ticks away.

"Must call the others" I say as I try to move my arm but struggle to lift it as I feel my consciousness slowly slip away before a voice speaks to me. "You must fight on as your time has yet to come" the mystery voice says as I begin to remake the kidney they took and having the nanobots in my body repair the damage which slowly gave me my strength back as I managed to get up and see not a lot of time on the clock.

I quickly think used my teleporting ability and got out of there just as the bomb goes off and M.E.C.H believing I had dead but little did they know I managed to teleport back to the base which surprised the Autobots as they see me with my top missing and looking exhausted. "I have got a story to tell all of you" I tell them as I explain what happened but the look of horror on their faces when they heard about my dissection but this allowed us to discover that Kronus and I had some kind of link which allowed us to feel the others pain.

"I'm going to take Y/n home" Arcee said to the other Autobots as I hop on her before we drive off and as we pull up to my house I could tell she wanted to say something so I close the garage door so she could speak. "Is everything ok Arcee?" I asked as she sighs before looking at me. "Y/n you could have been killed" Arcee tells me and she was right but at the same time I told her that I wouldn't stop trying to help her as I open the garage and let her head back to the base before entering the house but after entering I feel my head become dizzy as I suddenly found myself in a strange place with other Cybertronians but they were at war.

"What is this?" I asked myself before I see the mystery Cybertronian fighting what looked like Kronus but as quick as I saw it I was quickly back to reality with many questions but when I think back to the voice that saved me in M.E.C.H's base I realized it was Kronus's voice but which one spoke to me.

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