Chapter 2

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Running through the university's halls, I spot Naruto and before he could even say anything I yell grabbing him by the collar of his shirt

"Dude if that teacher is really your friend calm his motherfucking titties down. Why is he so angry and rude? And crazy!"

He sweatdrops and fakes a cry "Y/nnnn!! It ain't my fault he's always a stuck-up angry man! I do try my best to lighten him up. C'mon he ain't thaaaat bad!" Naruto tries to resonate

"Yeah he is THAT bad! He just gives me the ick! And at the same he's hot as hell! Goddamit! Never in my life have I met a person who made my blood boil and for both anger and and....!! Ughh!" I take my hands back and stop rocking Naruto, covering my face out of frustration

"YOU THINK SASUKE TEME IS HOT??!" Naruto yells laughing and I swear I'll start my first year with a murder case under my name

"Naruto are you stupid? Shut the fuck up!! Someone might hear you and get the totally wrong idea about this! Mr. Uchiha could hear you!! And he's already giving me a hard time dammit. I really don't want to fail a subject on my first day of college!" I hiss at him and shake him again angrily

Why did I just had to agree to be friends with this idiot? He'd get me in trouble from now on and I just fucking knew it.

And I also have a crazy Professor angry at me!

Oh God, the worst part is gonna be my mom asking me tonight how my first day went, and me being a horrible liar, I'll probably just tell her all of this and she'd freak out.

Taking a deep breath and calming myself before I punch the dumb blonde in front of me who keeps smiling, I drop my hands and exhale.

"We're never talking about this again. This never happened. And you still have a job to calm him down. I might've screwed up just now and angered him more." I laugh sheepishly scratching the back of my neck

"Alright! I'll do it, believe it!" Naruto grins giving me a thumbs up

"Ugh, you're such a pain in the ass already, why did the Universe think two troublemakers like us would be good as friends?" I groan looking up at the ceiling as if God himself could answer me

"Who you talking to Y/n?" the blonde looks confused at me

I slap myself "No one, blondie, no one! Let's just go, I don't want any more trouble. Do we have the same next classes?" I sigh taking the schedule beside him and looking it over

We had the majority of the subjects together, only two of them were different, the optional ones. So with that in mind, I drag him to the other wing of this big ass University so we avoid any more unwanted attention.

So thanks to me, we did get through the rest of the day peacefully, and we also met up at lunch with Sakura, who happened to have some spare time finally.

I could sense Naruto was really excited about making new friends but his eyes almost formed heart shapes at the sight of Sakura.

Usually, I would nudge Sakura and be happy that a guy is interested in her, but no way would I want my bestie to be with this dumbass!

So that being said, I'm in my balcony laughing on the phone with Sakura about today after I just finished SUCCEDING! Yeah, succeeding! In lying to my mother that I didn't just made a professor already almost fail me.

Well I wasn't very sure she believed me, as I said I'm bad at lying, but I had to pull out the excuse that I'm tired and didn't wanna talk anymore about today so she let me be.

Going to lay in bed, for it was late, I hear my phone doing the typical email notification. Who the fuck sends emails at 12 am?

Groaning I pick it up from beside the table and my eyes pop out. Shit it's Mr. Uchiha.

Professor Uchiha (Sasuke UchihaxReader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now