Chapter 14

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"Y/n, we should definitely go to the movies this weekend!" Naruto blabbers as usual

"Oh, I would've loved to. But my parents are visiting me this weekend." I frown sipping on my coffee

"Oh mann, but I already planned it all out! Sakura said yes, even Sasuke agreed!" Naruto whines looking at me with puppy eyes

"Wait, Sasuke? I mean Mr. Uchiha?" I realise and raise an eyebrow quizzically

"Yeah, he wants to go." Naruto nods

That motherfucker is making plans of going to the movies while I'm literally going to be interrogated by my parents because of him. I squint my eyes and resist the urge of calling him and cursing at him.

Sighing, I get up from the bench we sat on "That's great I guess. Maybe next weekend we can go again."

"Sure. Well I don't know about Sasuke, because this is like the first time he ever accepted something like this, hehe" Naruto chuckles nervously "but us 3 is alright too. Plus either way you two don't really like eachother so it's better this way."

Ohhh you'd have no idea Naruto.

"Yeah, you're right. Now let's go, I don't wanna be late for this new lecture that we have. I heard that he is pretty rough with his students. Not like Mr. Uchiha though, but still." I grab Naruto and throw my cup in a bin before we enter uni

"Ouuu I've heard that too! He transferred from another uni too. My friend Kiba says that he was actually fired and the transferred story is just a cover-up!" Naruto says all excited to gossip

"Man you sure know your tea." I raise an eyebrow and laugh

"Duuh! How else are we supposed to gossip if I don't do the research job? You're too lazy for it." Naruto rolls his eyes back and smiles

This doofus...

We enter the classroom that was apparently in another wing of the big building and decide on our seats for the rest of the semester.

"Hmm how about for a first we sit in the first  row? So we make a good impression and whatnot!" I rub my chin thinking as I search the whole room up

"Nahh Y/n, how am I supposed to sleep then?" Naruto whines slumping

"You're so lazy. C'mon it's just for this class." I sigh and guide him to the first row

The class soon starts to fill with students and I'm surprised to see so many people actually attend, let alone for a new teacher.

I put my head on my palm lazily waiting for this new professor to arrive whilst zoning out. But one girl behind me was just too loud to ignore.

"My friend that had him as a professor at the uni before said that he is smoking hot! And that the reason he got fired is because he used to have sex with his students. Girl imagine that! Oh he can totally screw meee!" the blonde one said

"No way! He's mine! Keep your hands to yourself. I'll get him first." her friend glared

I roll my eyes back at the conversation. What's so hot about this guy? They don't even know him yet. Plus why would they get into a fight over him? I'm sure he wouldn't bore himself with a student, right?

But then again, that's what I thought about Sasuke too, I bite my lip trying not to chuckle.

"Y/n, look, should I buy Sakura this for her birthday?" Naruto shows me something on his phone but I don't have time to respond as the teacher just walked in

My head lifts up from my hand and I watch the teacher walk down to the front of the auditorium while girls start to squeal.

Now I really am curious ok. So I focus my eyes waiting for him to turn around. So far, he's a redhead. Wow, not many guys are redheaded.

Professor Uchiha (Sasuke UchihaxReader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now