Chapter 17

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"What do you think of this one Sakura?" I ask my best friend showing her a black lace lingerie set

We were currently having a girls day since we haven't had one in forever. Plus after everything that's been happening lately, I felt the need to take my mind off of that too. So this was the perfect opportunity.

"Hm?" she raises a brow "Since when do you fancy that type of lingerie?" she chuckles teasing me

"Uh, since now! What, can't a girl get a nice sexy set for herself?" I huff

"A girl can, but the Y/n I know, no." Sakura laughs as she picks a pink bra "Who's the lucky guy? Is it Mr. Uchiha?" she wiggles her brows

Right, I haven't told her about THAT yet. I'm not even sure if I should. I mean she is my best friend though, she would never tell someone else. I probably should tell her... but the thought of her slipping it up to the knucklehead Naruto just pulls me back from revealing to her this.

"What? No! As I said, I just want it because I wanna feel sexy!" I chuckle nervously

"Ohh, Y/n, who do you think you're fooling? I'm your best friend! But I'll let this slide. I'm just happy that you are happy! I can tell that you've been getting that good action, you're glowing!" she says tauntingly and nudging me

"Oh my God Sakura!" I gasp and put my hand over her mouth "We are certainly not talking about any of this further! Let's go pay this shit up and leave. This has been embarrassing enough for one day." I whine

She laughs loudly and on our way to pay for the lingerie I spot someone who I really didn't want to see right now, right here. What did I just say earlier about enough embarrassment for one day?!

And of course, he spotted me. So biting the inside of my cheek while he walks towards us smiling, I make Sakura look at me quizzically because of my nervousness.

"Oh hey, Y/n! So great to see you again!" Itachi smiles hugging me "Hi, I'm Itachi!" he introduces himself to Sakura who does the same and keeps a curious face on

Aw damn though his hugs are always so cozy, what the hell man.

"Uh, hi! What are you doing here?" I ask shyly trying to cover up the lingerie set that I had in my hands

"I came to buy some creams and pajamas for Mom." Itachi responds and his eyes trail down to my hands fumbling with the black material "Oh, I see you're here for other business." he raises his brows chuckling

"It's not like that! I- uh..." I chuckle nervously trying to find a good reason besides the blatantly obvious one that I'm buying this for his freaking little brother

God! Just kill me already!

"I get it." Itachi bites his lip suppressing more laughter "Please do use protection, I'm not ready to be an uncle yet!" he teases me and I just want the ground to swallow me up at this point

Sakura laughs too at that "Wait, why would you be an uncle? Is who is pounding my best friend your brother?" she realizes out loud

Itachi laughs at that and I'm just sitting between those two trying to think of a way to get out of this very weird and extremely embarrassing situation.

"Okay, enoughhh! It was great seeing you Itachi! Let's catch up some other time, alright? Byeee!" I quickly say grabbing Sakura's hand and dragging her to the check-out

"Have fun!" Itachi says loudly laughing while my eyes widen and I curse under my breath

"Ahhh, Y/n, that guy is so funny! Is that Mr. Uchiha's brother?" Sakura asks giggling after we pay and get out the cursed store

Professor Uchiha (Sasuke UchihaxReader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now