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Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, or S.H.I.E.L.D. as they had thankfully taken to calling themselves, was one of the banes of Tony's existence (because Tony had many such banes). Granted, S.H.I.E.L.D. was a smaller one when compared to some others.

A bunch of spies, thirsty for knowledge, with no concept of a moral compass, preaching: The ends justify the means.

Yeah, Tony hated them but they were what he would call a necessary evil. There was something coming, something big, and Tony needed all hands on deck. S.H.I.E.L.D. turning out to have an infestation problem and happily — or not so happily — crashing from that wasn't something he had factored in.

He had no idea what Rogers had been thinking, or Romanoff.

Especially Romanoff. For all she claimed to be the best spy, that was some real naïve work from her last week.

And now, there was blood in the water and the sharks would inevitably come.

J.A.R.V.I.S. had heard from the grapevine that the CIA was in the process of stepping in. He could have helped with that, subtly steer the organization away from the shitstorm that was the exposé of the century and have someone else — anyone else — take over the dirty work.

Alas! When it came down to choosing between saving his teammates' asses and that of the agents-in-the-process-of-burning whose covers had been blown by one of their own, there was no actual choice. And apparently, J.A.R.V.I.S. wasn't too big of a fan of the Avengers because he was comfortable sitting in his servers and doing nothing while Adina Roy of all people stepped in.

He should have expected it, really.

S.H.I.E.L.D.; CIA. Nick Fury; Adina Roy.

Yeah, this was going to be fun.

Tony wasn't a believer but just this once, he'd make an exception. God help them all!


A man who compromised on nothing when it came to what he thought was right.

A spy not too much into caring of the little things.

A man who understood the meaning of repercussions.

A woman who took her job seriously and performed impartially (for the most part).

Yeah, God help them all, indeed.



I do not own Marvel, or any of the related characters. All rights for the canonical characters and associated concepts belong to Marvel and its writers. I am not making any profit off of this story. This fanfiction is purely for entertainment purposes. The plot for 'Tell Me When You Know' and the original characters and original dialogue are mine. Any resemblance to real life people or incidents is purely coincidental.

Please do not copy this story to anywhere else. As of today (19th May, 2023), this story is available only on Wattpad. This fanfiction is for free and you shouldn't have to pay for it. If you do, it's probably not mine and I would appreciate being informed.

There is use of mild language in this story (a few f-bombs). There are no graphically or sexually explicit scenes in this story (at least, I do not think they are graphic) but since anything can serve as triggers, your media consumption is your responsibility.

The image in the cover does not belong to me and has been taken from Google. I have only meshed the four pictures together to create the cover.

Edit (25th May, 2023) : As of today (25th May, 2023), this story is available on Wattpad as well as on Archive Of Our Own (AO3). This fanfiction is for free and you shouldn't have to pay for it.



1. First of all, thank you for giving a chance to me and my story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing it.

2. This story trails the ending of 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'. This is Team Iron Man (or you can even call it Team Tony). There's no outright bashing of any characters here (or at least, I don't think I have bashed anybody) but if this is not to your taste, then please don't read and torture yourself.

3. There is a slight indication of Natasha Romanoff's pairing with a female original character.

4. I have the entire story written down for the most part so updates should come regularly. I will try to put up a chapter at least tri-weekly but I work a full-time job so I may get delayed sometimes. However, as of now, I have thought of Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Author's Note:-

This is my first story/fanfiction that I am uploading on any site. I don't know how much the summary reflected the actual plot but I would be grateful if you gave me, and my story, a chance.

All sorts of constructive criticism is heartily welcome. Any suggestions for improvement in dialogue, writing style or plot, or on any seeming plot holes, will be appreciated. However, please refrain from posting any unkind trolling comments. There's a lot of hatred in the world already, no point in adding more to it. Be kind.


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