Ice Cream is the Best Way To Start

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"Anthowy Edward Stark give Katie back to me wight now!" I screamed at my dumb brother. How dare he take Katie away from me. She was only a baby and given she was plastic, she had surgery in a week and need to rest.

"Not until you give me back my magic set," Anthony said.

I rocked on the balls of my feet, innocent as the five year old I was. "I don't know what your talking abouwt," I replied, hands behind my back and my eyes wandering to my ceiling.

"Shut up, your lying you little twerp!" Tony exclaimed. Wow he really wanted his magic set.

"Oh, you want to call me a twerp, huh? Maybe I should start cwying and have Jarvis you stowle Katie!"

"No! Just give it back and I'll give you Katie!" Anthony tried to reason.

"You should have taken this oppowtunity," I say. I then start screaming. Anthony tries to cover up my screams with his hand over my mouth but I'm determined to get Katie back. Jarvis came rushing toward my aid.

"What is the matter, Miss Caroline?" Jarvis asked.

I pretended to sniffled. "Ant-Anthowney too-took Katie again!" I exclaim.

"She took my magic set!" Anthony argued.

"How about we make a deal, you give Anthony back his magic set and you give Katie back to Caroline and we all go out for ice cream?" Jarvis said in his prominent British accent.

I pondered for a bit. "Okay," I agreed.

"And you?" Jarvis said, looking at Tony.

"Fine, but I get Superman ice cream," Anthony said, crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows. I ran to my room, quickly grabbed the set that was hidden under my bed, and handed it to my brother.

"Fantastic, now let's go have that ice cream," Mr. Jarvis said. That night, I had cookie dough ice cream and my brother had the super man ice cream.


"Why are you even in college? I mean your to smart for it," I tell my brother. We stand at the doorway of our enormous house. Luggage sits next to my brother and I eye it with hatred.

"Well, that doesn't exactly look good on a resume, sis," Anthony tells me.

"But it's too easy and you'll just get dads business anyway!" I argue.

"But it attracts the ladies," Anthony says.

"You are a pig," I say.

"Why thank you, I believe I have the best nose of all of them," my brother says and I giggle as he pushes his nose up to make it look pig-like. "And your ten! Congrats on the double digits," he says.

"Ya well your twenty, you always have to beat me don't you?"

"You know me, a winner as always."

"Shut up, your a loser," I say, my best comeback ever.

"Oh no you didn't," Anthony sassed.

"Oh yes I did," I sass back. All out sass war right here. Anthony picked me up and zoomed me around like a plane while I giggled endlessly. He spun me around and tickled me. I think I loved my brother more than I though because when he set me down, I hugged him. "Don't go, I'll miss you."

"Come on, Carl I always leave for school," Anthony said hugging me back even though he towered over me.

"But it's been to long," I tell him, my eyes start to water.

"Look on the bright side kid, I'm almost done and you'll be going to college soon with that head of yours," Anthony says, tapping my head.

I sigh. "Okay. And did you just call me Carl?" I ask, smiling once again.

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