Wack-A-Mole is my Spirit Animal

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"Ugh" I grunted as I tried to frantically look through my clothes. Do you know how frustrating it is when you can't find something to wear when you need to save the world? I decided with grey and white yoga pants and a black shirt. It was basic but that's all I had so far even though my brother never needs to worry about what he needs to wear.

I ran to the jet, my black tennis shoes squeaking on the floors. Everyone was already in the jet. I, of course, felt awkward. A shoot of nervousness went through me like when I forgot a piece of homework at school. "Oh, God, am I late?" I ask everyone.

"You're fine," Natasha says, "Besides its your first day."

"Thanks," I mange to get out. I check the small pocket on the back to make sure the two cubes are there. Sure enough, I can feel them. I take them out, and lay them in my palms as we take off. The others make conversation as I twirl the cubes. I become memorized. My vision focuses and my heart speeds up.

"Caroline!" Tony yells and my head shoots up. My brother looks at me, worry clear over his face. He was in full suit except for his head. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, why aren't you piloting?" I ask quickly.

"Because we are here," Tony says. I look down at the cubes and back up at him.

"Right," I reply and stand up. Everyone else already left except for Steve who also looks worried. "Well then, guess we should go."

Tony nods. I run out of the jet and hear and explosion. I look to see the whole picture and see a man, dark hair and a dark red clothes. He stands on a rock that looked as if it was one of those Push-Up Popsicles. He held his hands out as more rocks from the Minnesotan city street was slowly carved into almost anything. Bruce had already been green-ified, Natasha shot at him with her gun, Clint shot arrow that exploded at anything that hurtled toward him. Thor did the same but used his hammer.

"Time to go to work," Tony said and zoomed off.

Steve looked at me, "Be careful, you haven't had any combat training," Steve warned me.

"I've got this," I reply and gripped the cubes tighter. I threw them to a spot next to Clint. I went through and soon I was in the battle field.

The Neaman Lion was on a high pedestal made of the ground, leaving a deep moat around it. Clint tried his best to shoot arrows at it but he had some how manipulated the object to be a small bomb. Nat did the same but he made the bullets into a figurine of himself. He was a cocky son of a bitch that's for sure. Every time someone would even get close to his rock throne he would pick something from the ground and turn it into something else. But I noticed quickly that when this guy had to convert something into something else, it was a slow process.

I watched as a car became horribly misshaped and then turned into a smaller plane. It was headed straight toward me. I threw the cubes, the plane went right through the portal and out the other end. The other end was cleverly done by me and was behind the Neaman Lion. The plane crashed into his back and knocked him off his high pedestal. He fell a long ways and for a moment everyone stopped. He landed with a horrid smack. Has this guy been defeated already?

We all watched in horror as he slowly stood up from the ground. Everyone waited for a response and no one wanted to touch him. Once he was standing up, he noticed his shoulder was a -uh- little out of place. He grabbed his arm and yanked back. He grinned a toothy and white grin that made the pit of my stomach sick. The only thing I'm thinking is: "What?!"

He once again created another rock cylinder for him to stand on, the other going back into the ground. Talk about this guys high horse. It went up about ten feet into the air and this is when he started to dialogue. "I don't think you understand," his voice rang. It was a deep voice with a smooth and yet haunted impression to it. "You, Avengers, could be crushed with the snap of my fingers. But what fun would that be? You don't understand that this world needs me!"

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