Embarrassing Stories Feat. Gangster Movie Quote and Underwear

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Dr. Banner came back after awhile and I told him my idea. Throughout my messing thinking out loud, he listened carefully. He nodded plenty of times and his arms were crossed practically the whole time. But once I finished rambling he admitted that my idea was brilliant. He changed my original idea and made it even better but the same concept. Needless to say, I gave him a large hug and a loud squeal. He also asked if I needed help constructing it but I assured him I had that part covered.

I ran up to my room, throwing on jeans that were slightly ripped at the knees,and a light blue Deep Purple t-shirt. I then proceed to the kitchen to find everyone. Gee wiz I'm going to need to get use to all of this company. Everyone sat around the island, laughing a bit. Maybe I should just back away, retract like the inner turtle I am. I could escape, disappearing in the shadows. I never have to be seen again-

"Clark!" My brother exclaims. I was so close. "Why don't you amuse us."

I smile polity. My brother got the witty side of the family. Sure I had my goofball moments but he was the outgoing one. I'm not deathly shy, I just have boundaries. "Funny." I tell him. He sticks his tongue out at me and I return the favor.

"Are you sure guys aren't the same person?" Barton asks. "Because right now I'm seeing a feminine Stark."

"Not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not," I respond, and look in the fridge for food.

"It was a compliment," he states.

"Oh, Barton, I didn't know you had those kinds feelings for me," Tony says, pushing out his bottom lip and scrunching his eyebrows together. I looked at the oven clock revealing it was a little after five. Wow this day went by quickly. Suddenly my stomach growled. Everyone looked at me.

"So how about pizza's?" I ask everyone. They all nod. "Any preference on toppings?"

"Just do the classic cheese, otherwise we will be arguing about it all night," Natasha jokes, I'm guessing it was more of an inside one. I called Dominos, (because it's better I don't care what you say Pizza Hut or Papa Johns) and ordered, by everyones call, six pizzas. Soon enough, the pizza was delivered and I set it on the table for everyone. We all ate in silence. It was a good thing we ordered six, Thor loved them.

"So, Caroline, have any embarrassing stories of Stark?" Steve Rogers asked. That seemed to get everyone's attention.

"There's tons!" I exclaim. "There was this one time where-"

"Sis, I swear if you do this I will disown you," Tony says. He stares at me and I stare back. He squints and I raise an eyebrow. Everyone was still. It was obvious a full blown staring contest has commenced. After a solid forty seconds the loser blinks and I shout in triumph. Tony slammed him hand on the table in defeat and people smiled at our relationship.

"Anyways, there was this one time, I wasn't alive yet but my mom and Tony were at the deli. He always liked grabbing the tickets. So, mom had him in her arms so he could reach and after he took the ticket, he tucked it in her cleavage and said, 'go buy yourself something nice,'" I tell and everyone laughs. Tony looks at me, smirking and shaking his head.

"Is that all you got, kid?" Tony asks. Uh oh. "One time, dad had a ball event and took the whole family when Caroline was five. At dinner some old guy made a speech and for no reason, right in the middle, she stands on the table, lifts up her dress and yells, 'Underwear!'" Everyone had started cracking up at Tony and I's embarrassing story war. 

"Tony went through a huge magic phase. He thought it was so cool. He would try his card tricks out on me and then try them out on girl to impress them," I narrated. Everyone liked that one.

"Caroline would always sing outside to see if she could get animals to come near her, this went up until she was about seventeen," Tony tells. I laugh along with the others.

"Jokes on you because I still do that," I say. By this time, the guests hollered with laughter. These seemed like nice people however they still scared me. 

For the longest time we told stories about ourselves. I learned Bruce used to sit inside the toilet bowl when he was being potty trained. Thor would battle Giants, you know, the usual. Barton would pretend he was Robin Hood, giving my brother an opportunity for another nickname. Natasha constantly pretend to be Annie and sing often. And finally, instead of playing baseball with the other boys, Steve would play his own game of 'watching the blockheads try and find the baseball he stole.'

Soon enough it got late and everyone got tired. "Welp, I'm going to head to bed. I'm guessing you all are staying in this huge tower since it's named after your little garage band, so I'll see you tomorrow," I say.

"Night, sis," Tony says and messes up my hair and pushes me slightly. I punch his arm and run off laughing. Of course, I had to look back and I see some reactions, but the only person I see is Steve's. He smiles at me, resting his cheek on his fist and his elbow on the table. I turned my head back around.

Uh oh. Here comes that damn blushing.


The next day, I got an early start on my little project. This was the easy part since I'm more of a builder so making the cubes were easy. And cubes were perfect for the idea, I could fit everything in it and it would bounce back to me. I also used some of Bruce's tips. At around 10:00 a.m., Tony came in but I immediately shooed him away. I'm sure he put a sign on the door saying 'Do not enter, bitch will kill you'

For practically the whole day it was trial and error. A couple of explosions had gone off but I'm still alive so it's alright.

Finally, I finished the two cubes. They we both a pinkish red, not my color choice but science's choice. They are oddly warm but there was no signals of radiation coming off of it. They were completely safe. So, at about 7 p.m., I got the courage to throw the cube. Once I let go, if flew five feet away until it erupted into a portal. I cheered loudly and of course danced for awhile.

I figured out teleportation.

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