Gravity, You Old Fuddy Duddy You

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The next day, Dr. Banner and my brother were in charge of locating this dude. My job was to read up on him.

I laid on the white, square couch that sat in the main living room. My head rested on the arm of the couch and my feet dangled over the edge of the pillows and couch. That slight breeze does feel nice between your toes. So far I have learn the dudes name, Edgar Crow otherwise known as the Nemean Lion. His abilities are heightened senses, advanced agility and he is impenetrable. He also is a master at using the Xiphos, an Ancient Greek sword. The man has every detail down to a T. And Tony was right, he is completely insane.

And it's not like his name is a secret. He has terrorized many cities, with no specific order or rhyme to his method. And he will answer questions from the news as if they were paparazzi but disappears soon after, leaving casualties behind him. There was nothing on how he gained his abilities not if his parentage, he has certainly kept that hush hush.

I was so busy studying, I didn't notice Steve coming in and sitting down on a leather armchair with a pencil and paper in hand. I held the tablet above my face. At the moment, I was watching his fight style from past news report, memorizing every swing of his sword and every twitch of his nose. Just as he was about to hit someone with his sword, my grip on the tablet somehow faltered causing the tablet to smash on my face. I yelp as Steve laughed hysterically.

"Gravity, you old fuddy duddy you," I muttered. I knew that would happen, I should have known form past experiences. I removed the table and rubbed my aching nose. Steve still laughed, clutching his stomach as if his life depended on it. "You're laughing now, but wait till it happens to you."

He chuckled a most manly and American chuckle, "I already know the feeling," he tells me, causing me to laugh. I sit up, criss-cross-applesauce-ing my legs. I had enough facts about his fight style so I grabbed the book I brought from the library about Greek Mythology monster. I read the book about the Nemean Lion very closely. After awhile, I feel Steve staring at me. I want to look up but then again I don't want an awkward eye contact moment to occur. His eyes went back to his paper once again and I kept reading. Yet, later on I felt him staring at me again and the going back to his paper. This happen four more times until I realized what he was up to.

On the seventh time he looked at me, I looked up at him and said, "Are you liking the view?" I ask. His face flushes and quickly hides the front of the paper so I don't see it. "Are you drawing me?"

"O-of course not," Steve said, hugging the paper tighter.

"Liar, you totally stuttered," I exclaimed, grinning with an evil purpose. I stood up and walked toward him but he stood as well.

"I-I did not, ma'am," Steve nervously denied.

"There it is again! And you called me ma'am so that means you super nervously," I induced. I walked closer and he walked backwards until he bumped into the wall. "If it's not then let me see the paper," I tease.

"No, you don't need to see this. It's just boring stuff, it makes me tired just looking at it," Steve says quickly. I laugh a little and grab for the paper but Steve moves it just in time. I try again but the same outcome occurs. I try one more time but he runs away. I run after him, of course. We wiz out of the living room but he is fast and reaches the elevator way before I can get to him.

"Jarvis, what floor is Mr. Rogers headed?" I ask the thin air.

"He has hit the number 19," Jarvis informs me.

"Thanks buddy," I reply and take out my handy dandy cubes. I toss them in front of me and they reveal floor nineteen. I step through and stand right in front of the elevator. The elevator dings and then doors open to reveal a shocked Steve. "No escape Rogers," I tease.

"I didn't want to have to do this," Steve says before shooting his arm up high in the air with the paper in his hand. I jump to try and grab it but it is impossible.

Suddenly a bing went off into my head. "Energize," I say, Steve getting confused. I pull out the cubes and toss them. They show Steve's hand and the piece of paper that caused all of this trouble. Before Steve knows what happens, I grab the paper from his hand and close the portal. I finally see the front side of the paper and sure enough, it was a picture of me, reading the large Greek book. I looked at the beautiful drawing, so much detail as if I looked at a photograph. My hair loosely hung and my face was so concentrated but it was drawn with more of a dream expression. Even the couch I sat under had incredible detail. And my clothes, my classics jeans and a band t-shirt, you could see every fold and wrinkle. I was slightly memorized until Steve's hand tried to grab it. I was the keeper of this drawing and I would never let it go.

"Steve, this is really good," I tell him, smiling at the paper again.

"Well I had a good subject," he replies. And then I blush. I blush, again! What is with this guy making me turn into different colors. Pretty soon I'll be playing the red circle on your local kids show.

"You are amazing!" I exclaim. "Have you always been this good?"

"I used to draw pictures for my mother as a kid and had a year of art school," Steve informed me, smiling at the picture himself.

I chuckled a little, "You can do anything."

"Well, I'm not that good of a liar," he joked and we both laughed at that one.

"Well I'm keeping this," I state and look up at Steve who is warmly smiling at me. For a moment, I get lost in his blue orbs. My heart sped up just a bit being caught in the moment as if I was butterfly in a child's net. But all good things must come to an end.

I press the up button for the elevator. Steve clears his throat and I change the subject. "So what do you think of this Edgar Crow guy?"

"I thinks he's a lot like every other guy that wanted to take over the world," Steve states. "Which means his weakness is his swollen head."

"Well he's got to be okay at this thing, considering he's gotten away eight times before," I add and we step into the elevator.

"The ninth time he won't," Steve predicted sternly.

"That a way to be the optimist," I say and nudge him as we ascend in the elevator.

Once we got back to the living room, Steve was about to say something but Tony sauntered into the living room with a smug grin. I knew what the smug grin meant.

"We've got him," Tony said, "We are all meeting in the lab."

So we walked to the lab with Tony, awkward silence slowly killing me. Tony usually says something, anything, but he left me hanging. Once we got in the lab everyone else was there.

"Alright let's get this show on the road," Tony said and snapped his fingers before clasping his hand over his fist.

"He is in Minnesota," Bruce stated.

"You mean that state that has the little pointy thing at the top?" I ask.

"Correct," Tony said and showed me the map. "Maybe he will put us in the wood chipper, that would make a fun story, don't you think?"

"But why would he go there? Why not Paris? Hong Kong? Anything that's not so little known," I ask.

"We are not sure. But he's headed straight for Minneapolis," Bruce added.

"Then we better there before he does," Natasha says.

"Yes, we must be going," Thor boomed.

"Then suit up," Steve said beside me.

To bad I don't have a suit.

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