💜 Chapter Eight 💜

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Jungkook in the middle of the meeting about the plans and preparation during the Christmas week when he notice the window. Water falling from it. He check the time.

He suddenly stand up, suprising the others in the meeting including his grandmother, "You may continue. I just need to attend something important. Eunwoo, stay here. Madam, if you'll excuse me".

Jungkook reach the parking area of the hotel and drive away. He keep tapping the wheel, checking the time.

Fuck traffic! Fuck rain!!!!

He just wanted to make sure that Jin is fine. Almost an hour, he reached the university. He lower the window looking when two girls pop,


He almost roll his eyes when the other said, "Seokjin Kim at the Marketing building... Do you know him..

Wait, let me talk to the guard so you can go in and park". Girl said

Jungkook eyes brighten. He grab the two umbrellas that he brought and say his gratitude to the girls as he excuse himself.

Seriously, his heart beat fast. He's freakin' nervous. He halt for a while upon seeing Jin looking at the sky, pouts a little and sighs.

He continue and stop in front of him,


Jungkook can see how Jin eyes widens with mouth open. He smile thinking, "my mate is freakin' cute".

Jungkook give the other umbrella to Jin. He can see how Jin hesitately accept it. They walk silent until they reach his car. Jungkook open the door to the passenger seat as he hold the umbrella. Jin looks at him before going inside.

He run towards the other side in a flash and start the engine. When they got out from the university and stop in one of the stop light.

Jungkook nervously asks, "Uhm, where do you want me to drop you off?". He look sideway and notice, Jin shivering.

He reach the aircon of the car, turn it off and remove his jacket. Putting it to Jin. Jin feel hurt when he see Jin flinch when he put it.

"Uhm, Jungkook, you can drop me at the hotel. I have a shift later", he heard Jin softly said. Jungkook just *um* as a reply.

Silence fills the car. They reach Height Palace Hotel. Jin remove the jacket, neatly fold it before giving it back to Jungkook.
"Thank you", Jin said as he tries to open the car door.

"I'm sorry, Jin", Jungkook said which make Jin look at Jungkook.

Jungkook have the urge to say it. This is the first time that he have his mate this close.

"I've been looking for you. My mate for four years now, I thought I'm one of those who are mateless. I know what I did is unforgivable. Yes, I have flings in the past but I never had sex to any of them because that kind of intimacy should be shared to someone special.
At the back of my mind and heart. I'm still wishing to find my other half. Since, I learned about you. I broke all my ties to all of them. I didn't even step to any parties or bar. I never asking you to just believe what I say, just please don't close your door and also your heart. Give me a chance, Jin ... Please", he can feel his eyes warming. Jungkook never feel this kind of emotion before, he never pleads when he want or need something but for Jin, he will do anything. Jin. is more important.

The car door opens as he hear Jin say,

"Thank you, Jungkook"...

To be continued ☺️
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