💜 Finale 💜

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A year's after

Height Palace Hotel is one of the famous hotel in Seoul also in Asia Pacific. Their services, room, and employees are top-notch. Previously it was an all beta employees but now, all the people knows there's one omega working in it. The said omega is one of the chef of the famous hotel. According to rumors, he's handsome.. wide shoulder and small face ..a  kind and smile so bright.

The omega's name? SeokJin Kim A famous chef.

Jin laugh at the news that flashes in an electronic billboard that's located on the side of the park. The said park is a walking distance from the famous hotel.


A sweet voice calls him. Jin smile as he look at the one who called him.

"Baby ., it's almost noon, I think we need to go somewhere with shade to avoid the heat", a peck on the lips welcome him as he smile at his son and lover also husband to be.

It's two years since he born a boy named Jimin . He's name of his son from his long lost best friend.
Three years since they met. Almost four years since Jin met halmeoni on this park. Yoongi gone for good. He know Jungkook has something to do with it but he doesn't care. He know his mate do it for him for his family.

"It's better to go back to the hotel since my parents will be there to spend lunch with us. They said they miss Jimin", Jin said to Jungkook as he wipe his son's sweat.

Jungkook nods as he hold Jin hands using the left hand while holding their son on the right.

It's seven in the evening. They are in the living room waiting for Jungkook' halmeoni and his mother when Jungkook said that he had a suprise for him.

"Baby, what you given me is priceless but still I want to give you a surprise".

Jin roll his eyes and kiss Jungkook cheeks, "No need to".

Jungkook kiss him on the nose before
tugging him to go to the door. They stand there when a car came in.

Jin look at Jungkook, how did his mate know exactly that a car will come in.

He smile upon realising, it's probably Jungkook halmeoni and his own mother. Jin giggle upon seeing the two ladies who get out of the car.

Jin about to greet them when another person get out of the car. Jin' eyes widen as his mouth open. He look at Jungkook, and his mate nods at him.

He let go of Jungkook hand as he run towards the newcomer,


Jin hug his father tightly as he cry. His mother joins the hug after few minutes.

"I miss you. How? I mean - I thought oh God!", Jin can't even form the right sentence. He's happy.

"Good evening, Sir", he heard Jungkook greeted his father.

Jin turn to Jungkook and hug him, tears starting to form again.

"Thank you. Thank you - thank you! for this...
I love you, Jungkook!".

"You're very much welcome, baby. Your happiness is my happiness too, so stop crying ok .", Jungkook whisper as he gently pat his back.

"Why are we crying in front of the house. common..., let's eat", halmeoni scolding them but Jin see her wiping her tears and smiling widely.

"Dinner's ready at the garden, Sir Jungkook", the maid said as soon as they step inside the house.

Jin confused but didn't ask instead he look at his mother and father.

When they reached the garden, he gasps upon seeing the long table setup. The garden looks a banquet in a fairytales series. The food looks good, the light surrounding the garden, blooming white tulips and a white a yellow rose flower.. Also SeokJin friend, Ken, Donghyun, Irene, Wendy, Namjoon and Hobi standing on the side as soft sounds fills the air with his boyfriend Namjoon and Eunwoo looked hungry because so many foods.

He look at Jungkook.

Halmeoni move away from them so is his parents.

"We met in an ugly way. If I could turn back time, I would never cause you the pain I did. Again, I'm sorry, baby but I promise you that I will replace the pain will with kisses, hugs, and love. Some say love makes you special, but for me, it is you - SeokJin. All say light can drive out the dark, but for me, it is your smile. However, all say God gives us life, but in my case, it is your love. I want to be with you forever".

Jin cover his mouth as he see Jungkook grab something on his pocket. A purple matched pink box. Jungkook hold his hand as kneel before him.

Jungkook looked nervous and happy

"When I realised than I wanna spend the day and with you , And When  Jimin was born it's was blessed to us and I  wanted spend rest of your my life with you and to start happily ever after as soon as possible. SeokJin Kim ..my Jin , will you marry me?", Jungkook said looking at him holding a beautiful ring.

Jin look at Jungkook, "What kind of surprise is this? You make me cry so much - ...

YES! I do..I .... Yes I'll marry you".

Jungkook hugged Jin, thanked him and cried. All Witnesses almost cried with joy, including their son Jimin, who was being carried by Jin's father.. Namjoon also kissed Hobi on the forehead .Except for Eunwoo eating at  edge of ground.

'"Thank you , My Omega Jungkook said

"Thank you , My Alpha Jin said

"Ah.. Love you my mine Jungkook said

..Hmm. I love you too ... My life
Jin said ..

End... oppps.. there's epilogue
Thanks for standby 🙂

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