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WHEN YSHH LAUREN LAU arrived to Their school, she went to her dorm with her things when Yshh opened the door, she saw her fellow classmates "The 3 Noisy Fevers" which is her room mates.

They are also popular bullies, everyone finds them hot, she has a half crush on Khai Sebastian Delgado, Khai is a kind person but he also Bullies, and  as for Lewis Theo Dizon, he's much more worse. You'll see.

When they saw Yshh with all of her things they immediately helped her, well Khai did, he scolded the others and demanded that they should help her.

After helping her, Yshh went to Roxanne's dorm, when she knocked Roxanne Zara Flores, her best friend, opened the door.

"hey gurl!" Roxanne greeted,

"hey! Who's your room mate? And you didn't tell me that you're already here!"

Yshh says hugging her, while stepping into Roxanne's dorm.

"your 'dear cousin' jack, is my room mate as in JACK DALE PEPITO!" Roxanne whisper-yelled,

"I hate him so much! I know he's your cousin, but he's just so! Ugh!" Roxanne exclaims,

"Yeah, I know I'm thankful we don't leave together." Yshh chuckles,

"You better be!" Roxanne side eyes her,

"And, I didn't text you because I was kinda busy unpacking." Roxanne added,

"Aw, that's alright, so he's really your room mate?!" Yshh asked teasingly, knowing that jack is one of Roxanne's old crushes or so we thought.

The 2 girls sat down in the sofa,

"yep!" Roxanne said,

"how does that feel?" Yshh asks,

"not really good like bro?! He's so fucking annoying! wait who's your room mate?"

"correction! Room mates!" Yshh sighed,

"uhh WHAT?!" Roxanne exclaimed,

"um, yeahh..." Yshh lowered her head,

"Well? who is it then?" Roxanne asked, curious.

"Lewis-" Yshh started, but Roxanne cut her off.

"wait- Lewis?! AS IN LEWIS THEO DIZON?!" Roxanne yelled, eyes wide.

that mother fucking bully.

Roxanne thinks to herself,

"Yeah?!, And how dare you cut me off?"

"go on, go on, GO ON!!"

"Chill Extrovert!" Yshh yelled, getting pissed.

"Okay, geez introvert!"

"And Khai, and Carl as in Khai Sebastian Delgado, and Carl Andrei Guzman."

"What?!, Atleast you have the 3 Noisy Fevers! EHEEHEHE!!" Roxanne evil laughed,

"Ugh, Whatever! Atleast you got jack! He's kinda easy to handle." Yshh fixes her hair,

"Easy to handle?! Tch...for you! It is! For me?! No!"  Roxanne huffs.

"i don't wanna be stuck with those Bullies." Yshh adds, "you're lucky!"

"Ehem, excuse me I'm lucky?, I'm not lucky I hate that stupid jack!" Roxanne clears her throat.

"whateva, I need to go now i need to cook dinner.." Yshh said, as she stood up.

"i'll go with youu~!" Roxanne says, pulling onto Yshh's arm.

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