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With The 3 Noisy Fevers and Yshh Lauren: [6:06AM]

"BOYS WAKE UP! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE THERE'S A QUIZ IN SCIENCE TODAY!!" The boys woke up after hearing such a loud yell from Yshh from outside their rooms, making each of their ear drums almost bleed.

"ugh...i forgot." Lewis mumbled with his morning voice, as he rubbed his eyes slamming the door as he stood infront of Yshh.

"What do you mean you forgot?!" Yshh yelled once again, as she was already in her uniform smacking the boy on his head with her notebook in hand.

gosh! its too early for this! these mother fuckers.... Lewis cursed in his mind.

"Ow! okay! okay i'll get ready!" Lewis winced, as he went back to his room to get ready.

"Hwaaaaahh, morning guys." Khai yawned, as he got out of his room as he just got ready.

"Well, atleast one of you is like me." Yshh said, as she stared back at Khai.

"Good morning everyone!" Carl happily greeted everyone, well still in his pajamas.

"AND YOU! YOU BETTER GO GET READY!" Yshh hissed at Carl, as she pointed her index finger at him.

Carl rushed to the bathroom and got ready, scared at the thought of Yshh might break his arm like before, well almost.

Flashback: The 7th Grade

"Carl Andrei Guzman! comeback here! i'm gonna break your fucking arm!" A 7th grader, Yshh, yelled from an empty classroom from afar, as she chased Carl for taking her notes and scribbling light colored highlighters all over it.

"BOYS BOYS! LETS GO YSHH IS CHASING US!" Carl warned his friends, of course they we're in it too, Yshh was not only the victim but also-

"UGHHH! CARL! LEWIS! KHAI! JACK! YOU DUMBASSES!" Roxanne screamed from the empty hallway as it was already past dismissal, and the 7th graders had to stay behind for their dance practice.

"I'M GONNA BREAK A LIMB OF EACH ONE OF YOU! AGHHHHHH!" Roxanne yelled, mad as hell.

"LETS GO!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The boys screamed, as they headed towards the school's big wide garden.

"UGH FUCK!" Khai yelled, as he realized that the girls were catching up.

"OH SHIT OH SHIT!!!!!" Carl cursed.

"YOU! THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKIN' FAULT!" Jack blamed carl as they ran.




"Gotcha!" Yshh from behind smirked, as she caught Carl.

Carl's eyes widened.

"Hm, remember what i said earlier, dumbass?" Yshh asked from behind, as she held Carl's arm behind his back.

"I'm going to fucking break it-"

"Yshh, girl, stop the principals coming!" Roxanne whisper-yelled.

"Oh! Good Afternoon Ma'am Reagan!" Roxanne and Yshh greeted the principal with a smile.

A fake smile of course.

The 2 girls glared at the boys, as if telling them to stay quiet or else there would be a broken limb.

The principal greeted them back, as she proceeded to walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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