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4AM IN THE MORNING, With Yshh Lauren and the 3 Noisy Fevers:

YSHH WOKE UP FIRST,  then prepared their breakfast, after preparing the breakfast, she went to wake the 3 Boys up.

"boys wake up!" Yshh yelled, even though the boys are mean to her, she still helps them because she has no choice, like no choice at all.

(A/N:Schools starting to be a pain in the ass again.)

"oh hell naw!" She groans,

Yshh then went to her room, and recorded herself screaming telling them to wake up, she then connected her phone to her mini speaker, then she played the video in full volume.

playing in the speaker: "BOYS WAKE UPP WAKE UPP KHAI! CARL! LEWIS!"

the boys were startled, they got up and when Yshh heard them get up she evil laughed.

"that's what you get!" She said outside their doors.

"You Lil shit!" Lewis grunts, Yshh heard him.

She giggles to herself, at least she gets to mess with them.

Yshh started cooking their breakfast, and the 3 Noisy Fevers and Yshh got ready for the day.


"JACK!!" Roxanne yelled while knocking on his door.

"UGH!! GIMME 5 MINUETS!" He groaned,

"NO COME ON GET UP!" Roxanne yells,

"ALRIGHT! I'M UPP!" Jack yelled back, sitting up.

Roxanne's mouth was left opened as jack got out of his room,

Well who wouldn't be having a heart attack when they see their room mate early in the morning? Especially when their shirtless.

"uhhh whats happening?" Jack says, noticing that she was zoning out while staring at him.

"Why the fck are you staring? Bitch."He mumbles, walking towards the bathroom to get ready leaving her speechless.

"Oh! nothing new! just go get ready!" Roxanne says, she turns to her back. side eyeing him, "I'd rather eat cucumbers than live with you." She mutters, she walks away towards her room to get ready. She sighs, "But here we are."


they all got ready for school, after getting ready they went to their classroom.

"then she said that-" Jack got cut off by the teacher while entering the classroom, they walked towards their seats and sat.

"Everyone! please take your seats." Ms.Elizabeth Announced, as everyone took ther seats.

"so today, i'm going to introduce you guys to your new classmates this is Sebastian dela cruz, Prince Terence, and Angelou Wenceslao, you guys can now take your seats."

The teacher once again announced, As the 3 of them went to their seats and sat down.

Yshh then started sobbing, as she realized it was her Ex boyfriends. Remembering the good and bad memories that she had experienced with them hurt.

"Heyy Yshh! why are you crying ?" Lewis whispered, while the teacher started discussing. He was thinking of bullying her about it, but he stopped himself.

Uh, I shouldn't for now. I'll do it later.

He thinks to himself,

Yshh then started to wipe her tears.

"uhh nothing! just bugs!" She lied,

Lewis was really curious, so he had to push his luck, "you sure?"

"yeahh yeahh i'm sure!"


Few hours later, class ended and they now went to their dorms, dinner and etc. will be written in the new chapter!!


see ya later peeps! - Roz<3

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see ya later peeps! - Roz<3

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