Chapter 6

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|Chapter 6|

Amira Harris

I took a deep breath, before stepping inside. It was very dark and had a ladder going to the bottom, where there was light at.

I hesitated a little while before placing one foot on the ladder before climbing down. I took my precious time,and finally made it down at the bottom.

There was a door at the bottom, and I contemplated on opening. How many secret doors do he got?

I grabbed the door knob and slowly twisted it open. As soon as I opened the door fully, a light in the corner of the room flicked on which made me jump slightly.

I couldn't believe my eyes. There were money stack on tables and drugs scattered out in boxes.

If he kept all his things down here, he had to keep some personal things then. I walked further in the room, and walked to the draws that was in his desk.

I didn't even know he had a secret office down here. I guess he wasn't that truthful for me.

Maybe I was being noisy, but I had to find out. Things weren't adding up, and either way at the end I was going to be hurt so it was best for me to find out.

I sat in his desk chairs and started opening the drawers. I started pulling out all the files in pictures that I saw in the drawers, and placed them his desk.

As I finished placing all of them on the desk I opened the first file.

It was a birth certificate of a man name John Hernandez. My eyebrows frowned in confusion.

Who was John Hernandez?

I looked through the files and saw that it was different king pin meetings, and had plenty of dates. It also had different pictures in there.

I ran my hand across a picture, and it looked to be a person that looked similar to Castilio but with a darker skin color and way older looking.

I was still clueless, the more I found things I was still trying to figure everything out. I was finding all the puzzles pieces, but I couldn't piece everything together.

As my eyes wondered around the room, I heard some moving around. I jerked up from the chair and slowly walked to the door.

Who could be in there?

My hands slowly grabbed the door knob and I opened the door and couldn't believe my eyes.

I quickly covered my eyes, as I saw Julius laying on the floor with blood covered all over him.

Tears slid down the floor as I opened my eyes, I quickly walked over to him and he groaned in pain as I ran into his arms.

"Oh my god Julius! I thought you was dead!" He groaned before shaking his head left to right.

"What's going on Julius?" I cried as more tears streamed down my face.

"Amira you have to leave now it's no safe!"

"What do you mean?" I questioned as I sat up abruptly.

"Just fucking leave Amira, listen to me for once! You need to hurry before-"

"It's too late." The man that looked just like Castilio in the pictures.

John Hernandez

"Oh my god," I whispered to myself. Julius laid on the floor frightened.

I was totally fucked, and I made it worse because I dugged up a bigger hole than I supposed to.


A/N: I'm going to try to update today on my break. But yes things are about to he juicyiest, even though I don't believe that's word but.... whatever.

Also next chapter all the pieces to the puzzles will be solved, and it's going to be a lot of shit going on.

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