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It was nearing Christmas break in the year 1977 at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The tension of the impending war was strong in wizarding Britain, but the students of Hogwarts didn't let it show.

That is unless you were part of the house of snakes.

Slytherins from sixth year and up all watched with stoic expressions as the three other houses happily conversed with their friends about holiday plans. While they, on the other hand, all sat silently as they tried not to think about what has been or will be imprinted on their left forearm.

There were low murmurs between the younger students of the snake house, but none of them dared to question their housemates.

What some of those older students noticed though was the group of four sixth years that seemed to be missing. Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr., and Rabastan Lestrange were always punctual, no matter where they were going. So, to not see them in their usual seats for dinner was strange.

Headmaster Dumbledore was moving to stand and make any last-minute announcements when out of nowhere there was a bright flash of light that made everyone shield their eyes.

When the light disappeared the population of Hogwarts was stunned as they heard groans of discomfort from a group of people on the floor. They were even more shocked when they heard some of the group members start to speak.

A man of average height with short, dirty blonde hair and wore all black groaned as he asked, "What the hell just happened?" Another man, this one a brunette wearing a band t-shirt and jeans said, "No idea, Legolas." Before someone else could speak though there were pounding footsteps and laughing heard outside the great hall doors.

Everyone, who was already thoroughly confused, was flat out flabbergasted when they saw the four missing Slytherins burst into the hall.

Barty and Rabastan stumbled into the hall holding each other up as they folded over in laughter. Evan and Regulus kept pace beside them, but their laughter was just as boisterous.

However, that all stopped when they collectively looked up and were met with the stunned faces of every student and teacher at Hogwarts.

Immediately they all straightened their posture and silently cast spells to fix their disheveled robes. Regulus had even made sure to cast a spell that was sure to cover any bruises the four of them might have had from their parents that were accidentally left visible.

While three of the four houses were stuck in disbelief, the older Slytherins had bittersweet looks pass through their eyes. They knew the real personalities of the small group of four.

Everyone was pulled from their silence though when the same man from the new group that called the blonde "Legolas" called out across the hall, "Reggie? Is that you?"

Regulus's shoulders instantly tensed at the nickname. Only one person in her life called her that name, and they were no longer on speaking terms. Looking across the hall with a perfect blank mask, Regulus said, "I have no idea who you are. You have no right to speak to me or call me that name." Surprisingly, the man was not as affected by her cold tone as everyone else was. He simply tilted his head in confusion before sharing a look with the other members of the group he stood with.

Catching the attention of the hall, Dumbledore had pointed his wand at the group of new people and sternly asked, "How did you get past the wards?"

Whispering, but still heard due to the silence of the hall, a redhead in the group who also wore all black said, "Isn't that like the wands they use?" All of the men in the group that stood by the woman nodded their heads. The brunette in the band t-shirt suddenly snapped his fingers and pointed at the ceiling as he took a glance at it. "I know where we are! She told me about it one night when she couldn't sleep." Another blonde with short hair asked, "And where is that Stark?" This "Stark" rolled his eyes before saying, "Pretty sure she called it Hogwarts."

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