Chapter 3

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Regulus, Evan, Barty, and Rabastan felt the burning stares from nearly every occupant in the hall immediately after the screen went black. The emotions that had been displayed for everyone to see were apparently too out of the ordinary for their small minds to handle.

Fed up with the imaginary holes being created in his skull, Rabastan was the one to snap, "Look away. Now. Or else every one of you will mysteriously end up as red mist on the walls."

Everyone that had been staring listened without question.

The hall was silent for a few minutes as people moved around and situated themselves after a short bathroom break. As soon as all seats were taken once more the screen turned on.

Just like before the screen showed a date. This time it said:

Week of September 1, 1976.

The four Slytherins raised eyebrows at each other before facing the screen and letting out simultaneous sighs.

The first thing to be seen is an empty hallway in Hogwarts. This doesn't last though because there is the sound of a ringing bell followed by students pouring out into the hall.

This hall seemed to hold older students' classes because there couldn't have been anyone younger than 14 walking by.

Normal student chatter is quickly disrupted by a semi-loud explosion from a classroom followed by a door being thrown open and smoke billowing out. There are then three male students seen sprinting out of the room and down the hallway to another male student who was leaning against the wall waiting for them.

The Marauders all wince slightly at what was shown. There hadn't been evidence to prove that they had caused this prank, but now there was.

It was now shown that James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew were standing around and refusing to look in the direction of the still smoking room.

Remus closed the book he was holding in his right hand and raised an eyebrow as he asked, "I take it, it worked then?" Sirius and James glanced at each other with widened eyes before Sirius gushed, "Enlarged smoke bombs set off with a small exploding charm? Uh, yeah, Moony I'd say it worked pretty damn well." James added, "Truly a great idea, Moony."

Remus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose at the reveal. From beside him he heard James nervously chuckle and whisper, "Sorry, Moons." The scarred boy simply waved him off and said a quiet, "It's fine, Prongs."

The boys elated attitudes quickly shifted to confusion as they heard the students' voices in the hall they were standing in quiet so only hushed whispers could be heard. Remus was the tallest in the group, so he saw what everyone had also turned to look at first. Not drawing any more attention to the spectacle at the end of the hall closest to them, Remus suggests, "Let's get back to our room. Need to drop off our shit before lunch."

Peter seemed eager to agree to this. However, James and Sirius did not. James used the wall to keep his balance as he stood on his tiptoes to try and see while Sirius pushed people out of the way so he could get a bit closer.

Knowing exactly what was coming made Sirius's face go stoic. It was a natural response for his facial features, but this time he didn't feel angry about it. Instead, he was glad his emotions weren't on full display for what they were about to watch.

Shifting views, the end of the hall closest to the Marauders was shown.

What everybody seemed to be staring at and whispering about was none other than Evan Rosier, Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr., and Rabastan Lestrange walking down the hall.

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