About u!

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My name is Y/n and I live in Florida with my brother Dream who streams and makes videos everyday. Me and my brother NEVER and when I mean NEVER I mean NEVER get to hang out. Me and my brother were always close when we grew up but ever since he has started a YT channel we never really hang out or even talk i'm usually talking with my sister Drista. Drista and I weren't really ever close but ever since Dream started his YT channel me and her were stuck like glue, we thought we had the best sister and sister relationship ever. Then I started my YT channel, I did a few videos once in a while so I still hung out with my sister a lot. A few years later I ended up like my brother the only good thing is that he let me join the DSMP, i'm hoping now me and him can talk more and hang out, plus I can meet his friends on the server. 


Just a short thing explaining some of ur life!

The end of the paragraph is where ur life is now btw!

194 words. 

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