Ch. 1: Helping Out a Stranger.

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I was lying in bed at 10:00 AM just waking up. I grabbed my phone and turned it on realizing I slept in...again.

 I threw the covers off of me and hopped off the bed. I started walking downstairs to where I found Drista, my sister.

 "Hey Drista" I said.

 She ignored me although I understood since we weren't very close anymore due to me streaming and me making videos everyday.

 "Drista u have been ignoring me for years bc ur angry and I get why but u can't ignore me and stay angry at me forever, i'm ur sister" I said.

 "Ur right about not being able to ignore u forever but I can stay angry at u forever" she replied.

 "Is there any food" I asked.

 "No, so how about u go to the store and get some food then u will be doing something useful for once!" Drista said with an angry tone.

 "So that's how u feel, all these years u tell me now, i'm useless, I can't do anything?" I said. "Wait, no i'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean it, please forgive me!" Drista said while her voice was getting louder.

 "NO!" I yelled.


 Drista was silent, I saw a tear roll down her cheek slowly. I opened the door walked outside and slammed it. I looked through the window before I left, Drista standing still not even moving an inch, I could tell she was frightened and shocked.

 Then I saw Dream come downstairs. I moved towards the wall hoping to hear something when I put my ear against the thin wall.

 "I'm streaming, what happened" I heard Dream say. "Nothing, everything is fine" Drista said nervously.

 I walked away from the wall and started running to the grocery store a few blocks away from the house. When I got there I grabbed some fruit, veggies, meat, etc. I went to the check out and my total was around $150, I pulled out my card since I didn't have enough cash and swiped it.

 My card was declined so I didn't know what to do. "I don't have enough on my card so i'll put these groceries back sorry for wasting time" I said.

 Right before I was about to walk away a kind gentleman walked up to me. "I'll pay for her" he said. "Please don't I would feel bad" I said. 

"I insist" the man said.

 I stayed silent not knowing what to say the man was too kind. He looked at the total on the screen and paid cash.

 "Thank u sir" I said.

 "Of course" he said.

 I grabbed all the bags of food and right when I was about to walk away the man tapped my shoulder. "Could I have ur number?" he asked while giving a soft smile.

 I stood there for a second still then I gave an answer. "Yes, and thanks again" I said while pulling out my phone.

 He grabbed his phone and gave it to me and I did the same and gave mine to him. We both put our contacts in each other's phones and handed them back to each other.

 "Give me a call sometime" he yelled.

 "I will!" I yelled back.

 All I could think about were his beautiful brown eyes that reminded me of the fall season as I walked away.

 When I finally got back home after walking those few blocks I set down the groceries on the kitchen table and flopped onto the couch.

 I took out my phone and saw his contact it said "Will Gold" which must have been his name.

 I thought his name fit him well. About ten minutes later I stopped scrolling through YT shorts and stood up from off the couch.

 I took everything in the grocery bags and put them where they belong in the kitchen.

 I decided to search up Will's name on YT to see if he had a channel (after I finished putting everything away) and when I did I saw a YT channel listed as "Wilbur Soot", I clicked on the YT channel and it was his channel and I knew that because I saw those same eyes that looked like the beautiful fall season.

 I saw he had made some songs so I listened to them. He had an amazing talent of singing and guitar playing when I listened to his songs, the guitar playing and his voice sounded beautiful.

 After listening to some of his songs I realized that I needed some rest bc it was very late at night. I changed very quickly into a baggy t-shirt that read "I do what I want" on it and some baggy, grey, sweatpants then I flopped into bed and shut my eyes, drifting asleep, falling asleep, finally asleep.



Have a goodnight/morning/afternoon!

No hate on Drista or Dream!

840 words. 

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