Ch. 3: A Stream Till Midnight.

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Me, Dream, and Wilbur started streaming. "What are we gonna do?" I asked. "We could build a tower?" Dream suggested.

 "Sure, is that fine with u, Wilbur?" I asked. "Yeah, plus I don't have any better ideas" he said. "I'll start getting some wood by chopping down some trees" I said. "I'll help" he said.

 "Thanks" I replied. "Anytime love" he said. I smiled and blushed thankful I wasn't on face cam for Dream or Wilbur to notice.

 "What about me?" Dream asked. "Get some cobblestone, we'll need it" I said. "Alright" he replied. Me and Wilbur started chopping wood with our axes until they broke and needed to make new ones.

 "Shit my axe broke" I said. "I'll brb" I said. "Wait!" Wilbur said. "Here's mine" He said tossing me his axe.

 "I'll go get another one" he said. "Now I feel bad" I said "Don't" he said while I saw him walking away.

 A few seconds later I saw him running back. "Back" he said while stopping. "Why did u go silent for a few minutes while u were gone?" I asked. "I accidentally muted" he said.

 "Oh okay" I responded. Then I saw dream running back with a axe in his hand. "Hey guys" Dream said. "Hey shitbag" I said. "SHUT UP" he said. "Why did u mute??" I asked. "I was listening to ur whole conversation, don't tell me i'm third wheeling" Dream said.

 "SHUT UP" I said, my face heating up and turning red, no one saw me blush since I had my cam off.

 "Dream u are third wheeling" Wilbur said making me blush even more and shocking Dream. I could hear Dream coming down the stairs again, Dream suddenly opened my door slamming it against the wall putting a hole in the wall.

 "DREAM!" I said shouting at him. I muted the stream. "U PUT A HOLE IN THE WALL!" I shouted. "I DON"T CARE, I'LL PAY FOR IT" He shouted back. "GO BACK TO UR STREAM WE WILL TALK LATER" I shouted. "FINE" he shouted back.

 Dream walked up the stairs and sat down continuing his stream. Me, Dream, and Wilbur all streamed and played Minecraft until midnight, pissing off Dream since we were flirting the whole time which made me and Wilbur laugh.

 Once it hit midnight we all headed off stream and our calls to go to bed. I changed into some pj's and laid my head down on my soft pillow. Slowly I drifted to sleep thinking about asking Wilbur out on a date, but I didn't know if it was too soon. 


Sorry for the short chapter, i'm just lazy.

444 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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