Chapter 23 - Punishment

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*Viewer discretion advised

You stomped on the hatch, jumped on it, tried to pry it open with whatever shit he had left in your 'bedroom'- but you just couldn't get it open.

You thought for hours and hours about any way to get out- or even just alert someone that you were here.


There was no way.

"(Y/n)-chan~!" The door slammed as he walked into the home, still stressed out from another day of work.

The hatch opened with ease as he pushed his way up into the attic.

"I've got a request"

"What?" You spat, laying on the couch and playing your games.

"Wear your uniform for me?" His chirpy attitude was back- he acted so bashful and earnest.

You fucking hated it.


"Ah...I see" he sighed with a shitty smile, "Well, in that case, you need to come with me"

"Fine. Did I not make it clear enough that I don't give a shit anymore?"

"You made it more than clear (y/n), just come here" he pulled you towards him, quickly grabbing the crumpled up uniform from the corner of the room- yanking you down the hatch and leaving you to hit the floor with a thud.

Don't fucking react to it

Just get up and show him that you don't care. Prove to him that you won't do what he wants.

You stood up, hiding the any pain that you obtained from the fall. He smoothly climbed down after- placing his arm around you in an almost threatening manner.

"C'mon, we shouldn't keep our guest waiting"


He didn't reply, instead dragging you along by your arm into the kitchen.

"Oikawa, who the fuck is that?!" You screeched, seeing a body tied up to a chair with a bag over their head.

"Hmm, lets do an experiment- do you care enough to listen when you don't know who it is?" He grinned, grabbing your hair and forcing you into the corner before locking the door.

"What are you talking about?"

"Now, if you want me to stop at anytime all you have to do is put the uniform on" he explained, pulling out a knife from the kitchen sink.

"O-Oikawa you don't need to hurt anyone!"

"Well obviously I do since you don't mind being hurt anymore~"

"Oikawa! For fucks sake! Do you think this is how you make me love you?!"

"First you'll obey me- then I'll tell you to love me- and that's how it will go"

"Oh? And what makes you so sure I'll fucking listen?!"

He smiled, casually strutting to the body which was now heaving in and out.

"Hmm, legs, lets start with the legs" he mumbled, forcing the blade into the unknown persons skin. A low and scratchy scream erupted from beneath the fabric bag. Once the knife crunched through the first few layers of skin it smoothly sliced along the flesh like butter- leaving blood to rush out.

Holy shit.

"Stop!" You ran towards him, but he twisted the knife into their thigh, ripping the already cut flesh, before pulling it to their throat as a threat. You stopped in your tracks- not wanting him to act on his threat.

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