Chapter 24 - Monster

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"Three dead, two missing. One 'accidental' death, one runaway and one mystery...." Aizawa muttered, "any connections? I hope you've atleast been looking into something, those other bastards are botching up these cases worse than anything I've ever seen before"  

"Actually, they were all on the volleyball team...well, Lev and Kinamo were, (y/n) was a manager" Hizashi stated, "and Emi said she got a call that was something about (y/n)"

"What was it?"

Hizashi filed through some papers, squinting as he read through one in particular. 

"A possible lead for this guy who she ran away with...there was a volleyball camp for the schools and a girl said that on the last day (y/n) suddenly had a lot of hickeys, but she asked where they came from and who made them, she got really upset. They covered them up and then she left..."

"Tell her to get in touch with all of the schools that attended- I want the names of every single person who was at that training camp. Anything on the others yet?" 

"We can't find anything on CCTV for Lev, his phone was found in a trash can in the city. Kinamos parents are hiring a private investigator and are planning on doing another autopsy on his body- they said that the first group of officers on his case did a terrible job and now after recent events they're suspicious" 

"Why are they suspicious?" Aizawa asked, chewing at his pen.

"Well, apart from another two students going missing, when they saw his body they said that it looked bruised"

"Don't bodies bruise if they're suffocated or some shit?" 

"Yes, but the bruising wasn't just on his neck- it was around his wrists, ankles and torso...the marks are sufficient with a fight"

"So there were signs of a struggle?"

"It seems that way- I didn't see the body but his parents were adamant that he was in a worse state than he should have been, in fact they think that the officers that were there did a shitty job to cover it up or something"

Aizawa sighed, stepping away from his computer. 

"Ok, I'll get in touch with Kinamos family-"

"They're probably going to be hesitant to talk to the police after this. They think we're hiding something" Hizashi interjected.

"I'll tell them that we're from a different squad than the ones who initially handed their sons death. Get me those names and ask the boys on the volleyball team if (y/n) seemed to be in a relationship with anyone...or if anyone would have given her those marks- consensually or not"

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