Chapter 5

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I cry more than ever!
I here small footsteps, Its Jaq and Gus and the other mice
I grab Jaq and smiled half way, Jaq pats my hand
Then Jaq gets off my hand and scurries into the mouse hole
"Tink Tink Tink"
I turn around
"Hello?"I say
"Hello dear"
"Who...who said that" I ask
"Hm? You can't see me? Hold on dear"
Suddenly I see sparkles floating
"AH!" I scream
I see more sparkles blocking my vision until I see a person
"TA DA!"
"Who are you?" I ask the random stranger
"Well I am your fairy godmother!"
"My fairy godmother?"
"My real name is Nancy, you can call me that if you want"
"Well "Nancy" What are you doing here?" I ask
"Well I'm going to help you get to the ball!" Nancy says
I gasp
"Really!? Thank you!" I scream
" You don't need to thank I'm here to help people anyway, Well let's not waste time and let's get started!" Nancy said excited
I look confused
"What do we do" I ask
" So do you have any mice around here?" Nancy asked
"Yup! I know Jaq and Gus"
"Perfect! bring them to me"
Jaq and Gus scurries to Nancy
"Oh well I guess you don't have to"Nancy said
Suddenly Nancy tap on Jaq and Gus and Phoof!
Jaq and Gus became horses
"Wow!" I scream
"That's just the beginning , You haven't seen anything yet"
"Ok so next we need a pumpkin and a cricket" Nancy ordered
I grab a pumpkin from the garden and a cricket inside a hedge. I bring them to Nancy and she taps on the cricket
The cricket became a coachman.
Then Nancy tapped on the pumpkin ,"We better run!"Nancy ordered
I was confused again
"RUN!"Nancy screamed
I run and fell onto the ground.
"Phew! That was a close one!" Nancy said
I looked what the pumpkin has turned into. "What is it?
"Well it's your carriage of course!"
"So now we're on to the best part!" Nancy said excited
"The dress?" I ask
"Yippy Doo!"Nancy said
Nancy started tapping my ripped dress and sparkles spun around me.
Sparkles blocked my vision until i see Nancy gasping
"This is my best work yet!"Nancy screamed
I look down and I see myself wearing a blue dress with sparkles and small pearls on it
I look down again and see glass slippers
"Now off you go!" Nancy said
I walk into the carriage as the coachman opens the door
"Thank you!" I say to Nancy
"Don't mention it!" Nancy replied "But! Come back at midnight or bad things will happen!"
"Ok!" I say
I feel the carriage go as the horses started bringing me to the ball.

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