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As the burning rays shone through the window, Luke groaned, turning onto his other side, attempting to spare himself from the light. His mum sighed, "Luke, you need to get up. It's past noon. Now, I didn't just come up here and open the curtains for nothing; get up."

He somehow managed to get his arm out of the pile of pillows and blankets surrounding him. With his hand in the air, his mood was pretty noticeable by the finger he was giving to the world.

She gasped, walking over to the boy and smacking where she thought his head was, for it was still buried beneath everything. "Lucas Robert Hemmings!"

"What?!" He huffed, his voice scratchy from sleep.

"First of all, you weren't in last night until early in the morning, and now this? Are you kidding me!"

He stayed silent until she gave up, leaving to go back downstairs. It was almost always like this with Luke and his parents. With the room silent again, Luke almost fell back asleep, but his phone buzzing on the floor kept him from doing that.

Another groan escaped his lips as he surfaced from the bedding, rubbing his face with his hands. He had to squint his eyes from the bright sunlight as he got up and scrambled over to the window, immediately shutting the curtains once he reached them.

"Fucking sun," he muttered, holding the same finger up towards the now shielded window as he walked back to his bedside, where his phone still buzzed from inside his jean pocket.

He fished it out, seeing that his friend Calum was calling him. He answered it with a huff. "The fuck do you want?"

"Woah, sounds like Miss Luke is either on her period or didn't get enough of her beauty sleep," Calum laughed.

"Haha, very funny," Luke sighed, running a hand through his tangled blonde hair. "Now what the hell do you want."

"Nu-uh, I'm not telling you until you quit being such a dickhead," Calum refused.

"Dude, it's like... what time is it?" Luke mumbled to himself, taking the phone away from his ear to check the time. When he saw it was past three in the afternoon, he just continued with "whatever."

"Dude," Calum mocked, "this is why you shouldn't stay out at parties until five in the freaking morning."


"Yes freaking!" Calum exclaimed, being the less reckless one in their friendship. Honestly, due to the different rebellion levels, the two probably wouldn't be friends if they hadn't been since toddler years; they're just too different. "Now get your ass over to my house! Fifa and pizza!"

"So you'll say ass and call me a dickhead, but can't say fuck," the blonde deadpanned.

"YES! Now just come over!"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," Luke muttered, but then he smelled himself and grimaced. "Actually, Cal, let me shower first."

"Smell like alcohol and drugs?" He questioned, yet he really didn't have to ask since he knew his friend so well.

"Yeah," Luke chuckled. "See in a bit."

"Okay, just hurry because I'm SOOO BORED," Calum exaggerated, and Luke could picture his big brown eyes widening as he said that.

"Yeah, yeah, bye."



As Luke entered the house, he was overwhelmed by the bursting laughter coming from the kitchen. He curiously stepped in, finding his parents and two other adults standing around, laughing their asses off.

"What's going on here?" He questioned cautiously, not knowing what was happening.

His mother looked over with a look of recognition. "Oh, Luke, I totally forgot to tell you we were having company over! You remember Daryl, right? He used to work with your father." She approached him, her glass of wine being set down on the counter. "Now I know you probably had pizza over at Calum's, so you don't have to eat with us, but I do want you to sit in the living room with us for a bit until then."


"Luke, this is all I ask," she said, with a warning tone on the edge of her voice.

"Fine, whatever," he sighed and rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he turned to go to the living room. One thing he didn't want to do was stand around with people he didn't know.

As he walked to the room, he heard his mother chime, "Alright! Let's move this party to the family room!"

Luke rolled his eyes again and mentally huffed. This definitely was not a party. A party is supposed to be wild and crazy, and a place where you forget about everything else in the world. Or at least that was a party to Luke, anyway.

When he finally made it to the living area, he was surprised to see a boy already sitting on the couch. Luke took his leather jacket off, throwing it on the back of the couch as he sat down directly opposite the boy, propping his feet up on the coffee table.

He had black hair and was reading a book. The giver. A classic. It definitely wasn't something Luke would read. Well, in fact, Luke really didn't read at all...

When the adults entered, the two unknown people sat down on the same couch as the boy, and Luke's parents sat with him. As they continued to talk and laugh, Luke stared down the boy.

Without moving his head, he looked up at Luke through his eyelashes. Pastel green met ice blue. He rose an eyebrow, questioning why he was being stared at, cheeks tinting just a shade darker.

"Silent" Luke mouthed, raising his own eyebrow. He only got a shrug in return.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. Interesting, he thought as the boy's eyes returned to his book.


"Huh? What?" Luke snapped back into reality, looking over at his parents.

"We'd like you to meet Michael," his mum told him, gesturing to the black haired boy, who was still happily engaged in his book.

The father of the unknown kid sighed, grabbing the book and snatching it out of Michael's hands. Michael gave his father a mixture of an incredulous look and a pout, making Luke chuckle, but also give him the weird urge to get the book back to him because he loved and hated the pout all at the same time.

"Say hello," Michael's father instructed, setting the book down on the coffee table.

He simply waved, then grabbed his book again, opening it up and letting his eyes find the part he was on.

Both parents sighed. His mum spoke up, "He doesn't talk much; barely around us at all. Sorry if it comes across as rude."

"Oh, no worries." Liz waved off. "You know what," she continued, turning to Luke. "Why don't you take Michael up to your room, while we talk down here, yeah?"



And if you guys want to suggest anything for this story go ahead and leave a comment or just message me, I love talking to you guys :)

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