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Michael let out a small shriek when a rock flew in through his open window, almost hitting him in the head. "What the..." he trailed off, slowly peeking out of his window to look down at his front lawn. "Luke!" He exclaimed in a low voice, quickly running across his room to lock his door before returning to the cheeky blonde.

"S'up," Luke said casually, smiling up at the multi-colored haired boy.

"The sky, now leave!" Michael insisted, knowing that if his parents found Luke on their property, his father would beat the life out of the teen, especially if he found out he was talking to Michael.

Luke shook his head. "Nope, you're coming with me one way or another!"

"Coming with you where?" Michael questioned, leaning against the window frame.

"For a ride," he answered, snorting at himself when his mind wondered for a second and took his words in a totally different direction. But Michael still looked unsure. "Come on, Mikey. Just make sure your door is locked and your light is off and they'll assume you're in bed. Easy."

"Are you sure?" The other teen asked, glancing back at his door.

"What are they gonna do?" Luke sighed with a smirk, "Tie you up in the basement to make sure you don't go anywhere?"

Laughing a bit, Michael turned his light off and began to slowly make his way down the ladder Luke had quickly gotten for him. When on the ground, Luke placed the ladder back on the side of the house where he had found it.

"So where are we off to now?" Michael questioned, following Luke off of the lawn and down the street.

"To my motorcycle," Luke said simply, spotting his ride a little ways down, having parked it there to keep the Clifford adults asleep if they were.


Michael's grip around Luke's torso strengthened as the blonde sped up, zooming in and out of the late night traffic. For how late it was, the highway was considerably busy.

The wind rippled through the blonde's hair, him smiling softly at the familiar feeling of cold air rushing past his features. He leaned forward a bit, the boy behind him being pulled with him as he sped up even more, a clearing in the cars open for him to race through. Michael squeaked suddenly, his hold tighter than before, potentially crushing the teen he held.

Luke laughed softly, exiting off the highway and down a little ways until he came across a dirt road. Michael shifted, the dense trees now surrounding them making him unsettled. Coming to a stop, both boys got off the bike, Luke taking Michael's helmet and simply placing it on the seat.

"Come on," Luke said, taking the other's hand and leading him deeper into the forest.

Michael was terrified actually. He didn't know if Luke was really a psycho murderer and was planning on killing him and burying him where no one could find him. The odds of that happening were very unlikely, but you never know.

But when Luke led him to an opening in the brush, Michael's thoughts changed completely. They were close to the edge of a small cliff, the bottom being a lake. The moon and thousands of visible stars reflected off of the water, making both teens grin.

"It's nice," Michael sighed in content, sitting on the ground.

"It helps a lot, you know," Luke mumbled, still standing, walking towards the edge and letting the breeze whip through his hair and clothes.

Michael's head tilted to the side the tiniest bit. "What do you mean?" He questioned, confusing by what was happening and why.

The blonde turned around to look at the other boy, the moonlight casting shadows around his features from behind and making him look somewhat more defined. He waved his hand to signal Michael to come over to him, the boy obliging.

"Just let it all out," Luke said with a shrug and nonchalantly smile.

"Let what out?" Michael frowned, eyebrows creased in the middle.

"Just scream," Luke chuckled, watching the water instead of looking at the colored-haired teen.

"Are you-"

"Yes, whatever it is, yes," the blonde huffed out, just wanting for him to do something without questioning every little detail for once.

"But are you-"

"Oh my god, Michael, if you don't just scream at the top of your lungs I will push you into the lake," Luke threatened, finally looking at the boy.

His eyes went wide and he slowly turned to look at the water. Taking a shaky, deep breath the best he could, he prepared himself for what he was about to do. His yell was loud and echoed throughout the open space, using all of the air he had in his body.

Catching his breath, he looked at Luke expectantly with raised eyebrows, finding the other teen had a proud look on his face.

"So, how'd it feel?" Luke nudged him playfully with a goofy grin on his lips.

Considering how out of shape he was and how much air he used up, Michael was still chasing his breath at this point. "I think- I think I'm dying."

"Good." Luke nodded in approval.

Michael gave him an incredulous look. "Oh my goodness," he grumbled with an eye roll.

After Michael finally regaining his even breathing back, the two sat on the ground a few feet from the edge. The atmosphere became very light and both of them started to feel tired, so Luke laid down, Michael joining him.

"Can we just stay here forever?" Michael asked softly with a yawn.

Luke chuckled, gently grabbing the other's hand and intertwining their fingers. "I wish we could, Mike. But I think your parents would eventually find out you're gone and flip their shit."

Michael sighed, knowing that was true. He figured he'd just have to make this next hour or so last. Turning over onto his side to look at Luke, he found the blonde had already done the same for him. "Luke," he whispered.

Luke didn't respond, only giving Michael's hand a light squeeze as he stared into those mint green eyes. He knew this was the moment in every cliché story where the two totally unlikely lovers kiss and then everything from there on is all happy and romantic and blah blah blah. But Luke knew that this wasn't what Michael wanted. It couldn't have been. No, Michael was the church boy who was as straight as a board. He would never even think of kissing-

"Are you going to kiss me?" Michael suddenly whispered, mentally kicking himself immediately after. Why did he say that? He didn't understand. He wasn't gay, not at all. Something inside of him just switched when he stared into those pretty blue eyes of Luke's. He couldn't help it.

Luke's eyes widened. "D-Do you want me to?"

"I-I, uh, I don't know," Michael stammered, gulping in attempt to get rid of the lump in his throat.

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